Video: Half Moon Bay City Council, May 1

By on Sat, May 5, 2007

This week's meeting was a little mixed up. A couple of agenda items were moved to the front, several consent calendar items were moved to the regular agenda, and one scheduled item was continued to the next meeting. Item #9 (New house at 684 Terrace Ave, Gale) was continued to next meeting on May 15.

  • Meeting opening, announcements, and Coastside Community Schools Partnership (Item #11 on agenda was moved to front after proclamations).  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Oral Communications  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Council Reports, and Staff Reports. Council announces hiring of Dan O'Keefe as Chief of Police.  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Consent Calendar and Human Services Funding (Item #4 Administrative CDP's, #5 Consulting Agreement, #7 Ailanto Agreement were taken off consent calendar and discussed individually).  width= | Quicktime | Flash | Docs |
  • Administrative CDP's  width= | Quicktime | Flash | Docs |
  • Consulting Agreement for Biological Assessment, Traffic Analysis, Noise and Air Quality Analysis  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Ailanto settlement agreement discussion  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Report from Closed session on labor negotiations and Yamagiwa (Beechwood) lawsuit  width= | Quicktime | Flash |