Video:  HMB City Council agrees to create park on Pilarcitos Creek

By on Sun, October 7, 2007

Tuesday’s city council meeting was short.  The council reviewed the city’s financial status and approved a resolution to create a park at 880 Stone Pine Rd (on Pilarcitos Creek). The city also agreed to accept an allocation of 276 new housing units from the Association of Bay Area Governments, which the city manager said would be consistent with slow-growth Measures A & D.

 width= Proclamations and presentations [15 min]  | Quicktime High Quality | Flash  slow connections |

 width= Announcements [2 min]  | Quicktime High Quality | Flash  slow connections |

 width= Oral communications [5 min]  | Quicktime High Quality | Flash  slow connections |

 width= Council reports [10 min]  | Quicktime High Quality | Flash  slow connections |

 width= Staff reports [18 min]  | Quicktime High Quality | Flash  slow connections |

 width= Consent calendar [4 min]  | Quicktime High Quality | Flash  slow connections |

 width= Resolution of intent to create a park at 880 Stone Pine Road [8 min]  | Quicktime High Quality | Flash  slow connections | Docs |

 width= Finance department update [31 min]  | Quicktime High Quality | Flash  slow connections | Docs |

 width= Review and approval accepting assigned housing growth share from ABAG [15 min]  | Quicktime High Quality | Flash  slow connections | Docs |