Video: HMB City Council meeting

By on Wed, October 18, 2006

Darin Boville

Tuesday, the Half Moon Bay City Council announced the new city manager, continued its discussion of campaign finance reform, and came closer to resolution on the parking permits.  [Link to agenda]

Request for feedback:  We’re still experimenting with production and publication of video from meetings, so you may find that our video reports vary in format and turnaround time. You’re invited to give us feedback on these report by adding comments.

  • Public comment period [Quicktime | Windows Media ]
  • City council member reports [Quicktime | Windows Media]
  • Consent calendar [Quicktime | Windows Media]
  • Discussion of campaign finance limits, including higher limits on contributions and consolidating personal and business contributions.  This discussion was very interesting and worth watching.  [Quicktime | Windows Media]
  • Discussion and vote to limit parking after midnight in Miramar/Naples and Alsace Lorraine neighborhoods. Council member Grady proposed limiting closing Poplar Beach parking after midnight. Council member Patridge explored turning designated open space at 144 Kelly St. into a parking lot. [Quicktime | Windows Media]
  • Short, near content-less finance discussion.  The financial statements were in the council members’ packets.  The city has a little more money than expected. [Quicktime | Windows Media]