Video: HMB City Council meeting, including campaign finance discussion


By on Thu, November 9, 2006

Coastsider taped Tuesday's Half Moon Bay City Council meeting. It was election night, and the only substantive issue on the agenda was pretty important: campaign finance reform in city elections.

UPDATE: Windows Media Player files are now online.

  • Presentation of a proclamation to Coastside Opportunity Center/Coastside Hope [QuickTime | WMP ]
  • Oral Communications [ Quicktime | WMP ]
  • Council member reports [ Quicktime | WMP ]
  • Staff reports [ Quicktime | WMP ]
  • Consent calendar [ Quicktime | WMP ]
  • Discussion of proposed revision to campaign financing ordinance. The council is considering aggregating contributions for all the companies a person owns, and limiting that number to twice the limit for individuals. Discussion was continued until the first meeting of December, but the council seems to want to finish this project this year.[ Quicktime | WMP ]
  • Final Comments [ Quicktime | WMP ]