Video: HMB City Council, Nov 6

By on Sun, November 18, 2007

  • Proclamations, Presentations, Announcements [2 min] | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Oral Communications [4 min] | Quicktime | Flash |
  • City Council Reports [6 min] | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Staff Reports [3 min] | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Consent Calendar [2 min] | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Application for Coastal Development Permit, Rzoning, Lot Merger of 9 lots into 4 at Magnolia St and Second [29 min] | Quicktime | Flash | Docs |
  • Set Feb 5, 2008, as the date for a vote in increasing Transient Occupancy Tax from 10% to 12% [62 min] | Quicktime | Flash | Docs |
  • Disposal of land donated to the city by Labuda Family Foundation [12 min] | Quicktime | Flash | Docs |
  • Staff update on administrative order on 450 Wavecrest Road continued to a date to be set, but not before Jan 10, 2008. | Docs |