Video:  HMB City Council recalls LCP definitions, discusses regulating chain stores

By on Sat, March 24, 2007

At Tuesday’s meeting, the Half Moon Bay City Council voted to withdraw the crucial definitions chapter of its Local Coastal Program update from review by the Coastal Commission. 

The Council also discussed regulating chain stores and decided to take the matter up again during their strategic planning process in July. The documents from this agenda item (linked below) includes a summary from City Attorney Adam Lindgren of what other communities have done to regulate chain stores.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted by a color guard of Eagle Scouts from Half Moon Bay’s Troop 263.

  • Opening, including Troop 263 Eagle Scout color guard  width= | Quicktime | Flash  |
  • Oral communications  width=  | Quicktime | Flash  |
  • Council reports, staff reports, and consent calendar  width= | Quicktime | Flash  | Docs |
  • Council withdraws definitions chapter of LCP Update from Coastal Commission  width= | Quicktime | Flash  | Docs |
  • Council will take up chain store ordinance during July strategic planning session  width=  | Quicktime | Flash  | Docs |
  • Council authorizes memorandum of understanding for Pilarcitos Creek restoration  width= | Quicktime | Flash  | Docs |