Video: HMB City Council removes hotel tax from January ballot

By on Tue, December 11, 2007

At its December 4 meeting, the Half Moon Bay City Council heard from the public on the Yamagiwa decision crisis. In unscheduled matters, council member Jim Grady announced that Jack McCarthy is resigning from planning commission because his is moving out of the city. And the council voted to withdraw the proposed transient occupancy (hotel) tax from the January ballot because of the financial uncertainty resulting from Yamagiwa. The discussion of the tax was early in the meeting and the final vote is at the end of the financial report.

  • Oral Communications (Same as third video on Yamagiwa decision) [51 min]  | Flash |
  • City council reports [7 min]  | Flash |
  • Staff reports [1 min]  | Flash |
  • Consent calendar [1 min]  | Flash |
  • Lot merger and rezoning four nine lots at Magnolia and Second [17 min]  | Flash | Docs |
  • Annual financial report [31 min]  | Flash | Docs |