Video:  HMB City Council replaces planning commissioner, introduces restructuring

By on Tue, September 11, 2007

At its September 4 meeting, the Half Moon Bay City Coucil approved council member John Muller’s replacement planning commissioner Kevin Lansing with at-large commissioner Linda Poncini.  The council also introduced an ordinance to reduce the Planning Commissions from seven members (two at-large and five serving terms staggered relative to the appointing council member) to five members serving concurrently with the appointing council member.  It would also link Parks and Recreation Commission members directly to the terms of appointing council members. If a council member leaves office, the member’s replacement would appoint a new commissioner to both the Planning and Parks and Recreation Commissions

John Muller appointed Mary Levin Butler to the Parks and Recreation Commission to replace Leslie McCarthy, who resigned from the commission.

All videos courtesy of Darin Boville of MontaraFog.

 WIDTH= Presentations | Quicktime | Flash  |

 WIDTH= Council Reports | Quicktime | Flash  |

 WIDTH= Staff Reports | Quicktime | Flash  |

 WIDTH= Oral communications | Quicktime | Flash  |

 WIDTH= Consent Calendar | Quicktime | Flash  |

 WIDTH= Amend Mobile Home Park zoning to comply with Coastal Commission | Quicktime | Flash  | Docs |

 WIDTH= Removal of Planning Commission Kevin Lansing and appointment of Linda Poncini | Quicktime | Flash  | Doc |

 WIDTH= Terms and number Planning and Parks & Recreation commission members syncronized with election of city council members | Quicktime | Flash  | Doc |

 WIDTH=Appointment of Mary Levine Butler to Parks & Recreation Commission | Quicktime | Flash |

 WIDTH=Highway Project update | Quicktime | Flash| Docs  |