Video:  HMB City Council reviews CDP procedures, LCP and budget

By on Fri, February 23, 2007

Oral communications got a little hot on Tuesday.  George Muteff and a couple of others protested his treatment by members of the city council at the previous meeting.  He resented the assertion that he speaking on behalf of developer "Chop" Keenan (Beachwood and other developments). Council member Grady distributed Muteff’s last campaign finance report with contributions from Keenan and related interests marked with stars.

The Half Moon Bay City Council reaffirmed its decision to allow the city’s planning director to issue Coastal Development Permits at his discretion, and formally repealed the ordinance of the previous city council removing the administrative CDP option.  Council member Jim Grady expressed his astonishment that city staff had allowed the ordinance languish unenacted after the California Coastal Commission had requested more information.

The City Council also decided to recall Chapter 3 of its Local Coastal Program from the Coastal Commission so that its definitions could be made more consistent. Consistency has been an ongoing theme of the new city council and invoked in support of several decisions already.

The midyear budget review was punctuated by discussions of the greatly increasing cost of the police department and the city’s legal bills. Council members made obligatory statements on the importance of public safety and blamed the police increases on the police department’s state retirement fund.