VIDEO: HMB City Council takes up campaign finance, development plans, and parks


By on Wed, December 6, 2006

Tuesday was a busy night for the Half Moon Bay City Council, which doubled the limits on political contributions, and increased the city’s growth rate from 1% to 1.5% outside the city’s core.  The council has begun the process of reviewing its park priorities.

  • Oral communications: Comments from the public about issues not discussed on this particular council meeting’s agenda. Mayor Fraser dedicates the meeting to James Fitzgerald.  width=  |Quicktime | WMP |
  • Council reports: Council members report on various meetings and activities they’ve engaged in since the previous council meeting.  width=  |Quicktime | WMP |
  • Staff reports: The city’s department heads update the council on work in progress such as the Highway 92/Main Street widening project.  width=  |Quicktime | WMP |
  • Consent Calendar  width=  |Quicktime | WMP |
  • Campaign Finance reform: The council reached a consensus on the financial limits that individuals and organizations are able to contribute in local elections. The limits have been raised from $250 per person to $500, and individuals who own businesses can contribute $500 personally, plus $500 from their business. Language will be finalized by the city attorney and brought back to the next council meeting.  width=  |Quicktime | WMP |
  • 2007 Residential Building Permit Allocation and Administration System and Residential Phasing Plan for New Development (Measure A allocations): The city council voted 4 to 1 to limit growth throughout Half Moon Bay to 1.5% per year. The previous city council had limited growth to 1% per year (or 1.5% in the city’s core) in deference to Measure D, which was written into the city’s Local Coastal Program update, which was sent to the Coastal Commission.  width=  |Quicktime | WMP |
  • Parks Master Plan Matrix: The Parks and Recreation commission and city staff presented a summary of all of the park properties under city jurisdiction and information on their current status. The council resolved to prioritize the parks to focus on in the January prioritization meeting.  width=  |Quicktime | WMP |
  • Half Moon Bay 50th anniversary is only 2.5 years away!  width=  |Quicktime | WMP |