Video: MCC candidates debate

By on Fri, October 19, 2007

Darin Boville

The Midcoast Community Council (MCC) election is the most competitive election on the coast this year—with five candidates running for three seats. This is an important election for the unincorporated portions of the Coastside since the MCC represents us to the County Board of Supervisors, our true masters.

Many people—including a majority if not all of the candidates—feel that the MCC has diminished in relevance and effectiveness of late. Perhaps this election will mark a reinvention of the MCC.

 WIDTH= Opening Statements | Quicktime | Flash |

 WIDTH= The MCC does not have authority to make laws or ordinances, et cetera. It is advisory. How will you be effective or useful in the next four years?  | Quicktime | Flash |

 WIDTH= How many of the Midcoast Council meetings have you attended, and the committee meetings, in the last two years? Do you think members should be required to attend a certain number of meetings in a year? Should there be alternatives—should alternatives [ed. Alternates] be elected for Midcoast Council representatives to attend when the elected representative cannot attend?  | Quicktime | Flash |

 WIDTH= The next question concerns the Local Coastside Program [ed. Local Coastal Program, LCP] for this area that was developed by the Midcoast Council in conjunction with the San Mateo County Planning Division. Do you support this program? Do you support the changes that were made by the Board of Supervisors? If you are elected what would you do to jump-start the approval process?  | Quicktime | Flash |

 WIDTH= Explain your position on growth versus no-growth.  | Quicktime | Flash |

 WIDTH= Should the Midcoast Community Council have review of projects for neighbors to be able to voice their concerns—and would that include tree-cutting permits? Should there be reviews prior to permits being issued by the county?  | Quicktime | Flash |

 WIDTH= Closing Statements   | Quicktime | Flash |