Video: Meet the Candidates for Midcoast Community Council

By on Wed, September 19, 2007

Reproduced with permission from Montara Fog. Videos by Darin Boville

The area often called the "Midcoast" (everything north of Half Moon Bay and south of Devil’s Slide) is one of the few unincorporated areas in San Mateo County. You can imagine how exciting it must be for the County Board of Supervisors to have to deal with us on a regular basis—how our micro-local concerns must seem to them when they are used to dealing with grander things.

Thus the Midcoast Community Council. That’s "MCC" for short. It was established in 1991 as a sort of local representation of the County. The Board of Supervisors had a way to learn more about what was going on on the coast and local residents had a way of being heard by the powers-that-be. Hurray.

But it has been tough times of late for the MCC. Small children, barely able to talk, can count how many members of the public attend the meetings. MCTV, the "community" access channel can skip televising a session or two and not a complaint is heard. The apathy extends to the Council members themselves—published reports earlier this summer noted that one member hadn’t attended a meeting in over a year—the remaining members suspect that she may have moved out of the area.

I’m not making this up, really.

But this year the MCC’s prospects are looking up. There’s a contested election—five candidates for three open seats.

To help the public get to know the candidates I offered to shoot a short introductory video of each. I set out a few basic rules, offered to shoot anywhere on the coast they wished, and gave them five minutes of screen time. The rest was up to them.

Pay attention to this race if you favor democracy here on the Midcoast.

Deborah Lardie
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Howard Lieberman
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Neil Merrilees
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Bob Ptacek
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Leonard Woren
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