Video: Meet the MWSD board candidates

By on Thu, October 18, 2007

Scott Boyd
| Quicktime | Flash |

Richard Bulan
| Quicktime | Flash |

Kathryn Slater-Carter
| Quicktime | Flash |

Water is an expensive commodity in Montara and Moss Beach, where it is supplied by the Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD).

The current board of the district represents the people who planned and executed the purchase of the water supply for Montara and Moss Beach. Because of the limitations of that water supply, there has been a moratorium on new residentail water hookups for decades. All new houses in MWSD—and there are hundreds of them—are served by wells.

In these videos each of the three candidates for MWSD introduce themselves to voters and share their own views of who they are, what the problems facing the community might be, and what they plan to do if elected.

Each candidate was given five minutes of screen time and their choice of location. Put aside the caricatures and listen to the candidates in their own words.

Videos by Darin Boville and used with permission of Montara Fog.