Video: MWSD, Nov 15

By on Sun, November 18, 2007

Due to technical difficulties, the first 90 minutes of the meeting weren't taped, but the last 2 hours were. Click below for the agenda. [120 min] | Quicktime | Flash |

1. Review and Possible Action Concerning Status of Wet Weather
Management Project.

Recording began at 9PM
    2. Review and Possible Action Concerning Local Coastal Program
Update.  Approved letters to Board of Supervisors and Coastal
9:25 3. Review and Possible Action Concerning Upcoming ACWA Officers Election.

9:25 1. Review and Possible Action Concerning Approval of 2007 Sewer
Improvement Project.  Approved 5-0.
10:06 2. Review and Possible Action Concerning Authorization to
Prepare Application for Groundwater Assistance Grant.  Approved 5-0.
10:13 3. Review and Possible Action Concerning Authorization to Drill
New Test Well on District Property.  Approved 5-0.

    1. Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside Meetings (Harvey)
    2. MidCoast Community Council Meeting (Slater-Carter)
    3. ACWA Board of Directors Report (Ptacek)
    4. CSDA Report (Slater-Carter)
    5. Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (Ptacek)
    6. Attorney’s Report (Schricker)
    7. Directors’ Reports
    8. District Manager’s Report (Irving)

10:51 Recess to closed session

And if you haven’t seen it, the video of Comet Holmes is excellent.