Video: Preparing for Thursday’s trails planning charrette
Darin Boville for Montara Fog
Darin Boville has produced a video to introduce the process. Click to see it on Montara Fog.
Dan Burden (along with other experts) is coming to the Coast, to help us plan bike paths, safe highway crossings, and make our community more pedestrian friendly.
Burden is an internationally recognized planner and was cited by Time Magazine as one of the nation’s top innovators.
This first phase focuses on Miramar to the Airport, which includes one of the most problematic areas, Surfers Beach. The project is sponsored by San Mateo County and is headed up by Dave Holland, the Director of Parks and Recreation.
Everyone has an opinion—make sure yours is heard—starting June 25th (this Thursday) 7-9 PM at El Granada Elementary School.
Reprinted with permission from Montara Fog.