Video:  Three meetings and a funeral

By on Mon, December 10, 2007

Darin Boville
Thursday, Nov 29: Oral communications before the closed city council one day after the City Council receives the decision from the court. Because no other room is available, the meeting takes place in a small room in Adcock Center. Jim Grady is out of town, so the council plans no substantive discussion or action.

Darin Boville
Monday, Dec 3: Oral communications before the closed city council session four days after the City Council receives the decision from the court. Because no other room is available, the meeting again takes place in a small room in Adcock Center. Jim Grady has returned. At the end of the oral communications, the crowd coaxes some responses from the city council members.

Darin Boville
Tuesday, Dec 4: Oral communications at the regular council meeting five days after the city receives the decision from the court. The main Adcock meeting room is packed, but not quite standing room only.

Just as the biggest news since Devil’s Slide hit the Coastside, we faced the biggest technology crisis in the history of Coastsider.

The good news is that Coastsider’s back in business and working better than ever—and I’ve had a chance to spend some quality time with the Beachwood decision and attend two of the city’s three public meetings on the subject.  We’re going to begin Coastsider’s coverage with videos of the public comment portion of the three meetings held by Half Moon Bay City Council in the wake of Beachwood. We don’t have a lot of video of the city council discussing the decision, because they’re still trying to choose among a wide range of unpalatable choices.

I plan to offer some observations about the public comment we’ve seen so far, but I’ll put that on hold for the moment.  Right now, here are the videos, recorded and encoded by Darin Boville, for those of you who haven’t already seen them on Montara Fog.