Volunteers are needed for the Princeton Harbor Circulation Study

Press release

By on Thu, September 18, 2008


The San Mateo County Resource Conservation District (RCD) needs volunteers to conduct a circulation study to understand how pollution travels within and out of the harbor September 27, 28, or 29.

What would I do?

Volunteers in kayaks, rowboats, canoes, jet skis, or small motorized boats will collect water samples at a series of buoys that will be set up in the harbor.

What supplies or equipment would I need?

A beach coordinator will provide volunteers with tools to collect water samples and record observations. Volunteers are encouraged to provide their own kayaks/ boats/ jet skis, protective clothing, and safety gear if possible. If that is not possible, the RCD will provide a kayak, paddle, and personal flotation device. The RCD will provide snacks and drinks as well.

How long will it take?

Volunteers will arrive an hour before their first shift for training and to get to the first buoy. Water sample collection will take place over a two-hour period. Why not sign up for more than one shift and enjoy a break at a local waterfront restaurant? ?

Where do I sign up?

Visit the project web page, www.sanmateorcd.org/harbor.html. Email the RCD at [email protected]. Or call the RCD at (650)712-7765.