Letter: Volunteers needed for Senior Home Rehab Day


By on Tue, May 19, 2009

Volunteer team captain works on fence
Members of the HMB HS Interact Club and supportive adult volunteers helping with gardening and rebuilding a deck.
A handrail built by Home Rehab Day volunteers.

Senior Coastsiders is about to embark on the annual Home Rehab Day on Saturday, June 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.  We need volunteers to help build, repair, paint, garden, deliver materials, pound nails and generally assist in this wonderful event. Here is a letter that really sums it up:

Hello! As some of you may know, I have been involved with community organizations and this time I am asking for your support as a volunteer with Senior Coastsiders which is the only organization on the coast (from Montara to Pescadero) offering a hot meal at lunch, Meals on Wheels, minor home repairs as well as many other critical services.

For the first time in my history with the organization, they have been forced to cut-back our services. I was saddened at the last board meeting when there was a vote to reduce the lunchtime meal service from five to three days per week. For many of the clients, this meal may be the only guaranteed nutrition they receive during the day.  Like many nonprofits, the center is facing cutbacks from county (and state) funding, as well as a critical decline in donations this year.

On June 6th, I will be volunteering with a team of folks to fix-up a local senior’s home as a part of the 19th Annual Home Rehab Day organized by the Senior Coastsiders.  Together we will repair and rehabilitate the homes of low-income seniors and adults with disabilities on the coast. 

If you cannot attend the event, you might consider donating to Senior Coastsiders to promote this program and all the other wonderful services they provide.

Please let me know if you would like to pound nails, act as a gopher or just join in with me and other neighbors and make some new friends on June 6th!  You can either complete the online application by going to www.seniorcoastsiders.org and clicking on events or by contacting (650) 726-9056.  Thank you for your consideration and willingness to support Senior Coastsiders and for helping promote successful aging.

Victoria Cormack