Weather spotter training, Thurs


By on Sat, October 23, 2010


The National Weather Service will offer a Weather Spotter training session at Half Moon Bay’s Adcock Center, Thursday Oct 28 at 7:30 pm.

The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network is also looking for volunteers. It’s a nationwide program started up a few years ago to supply rain and snow reports from a wide variety of locations. They would like to have reports from locations on a mile grid, so we need another dozen on the Coastside. Especially since we have so many micro climates along the coast. The whole idea is to gather daily readings of rain, hail and snow to try to understand how this varies across small areas. There are over 10,000 volunteers nationwide. The training is all on-line at their web site:

They say that the info is used by professional meteorologists. Volunteers report in once a day when they are available. They use simple, inexpensive identical rain gauges so the data is comparable everywhere.

We definitely need a lot more folks in San Mateo County.