Who do you believe: the developer, or the lobbyist?


By on Fri, August 8, 2008

From the Half Moon Bay Review, Aug 6:

Keenan confirmed Wednesday that he has been paying $20,000 to help get AB 1991 passed, along with providing attorneys to help draft AB 1991.

"We helped pay the city’s lobbying bill," Keenan said. "Also AB 1991 involves some technical land-use issues so we gave them guidance on that."

From Capitol Weekly, Aug 8:

[California Strategies’ Jason] Kinney said it was inaccurate to say that Keenan was paying the city’s lobbying bills.  He also said that both sides were were aware of the lobbying and consulting operations surrounding the issue.

"I understand the confusion, because the early media report mischaracterized the nature of these separate agreements," Kinney said.

I’m willing to bet that Chop Keenan knows exactly what he’s paying for. I’m also willing to bet California Strategies knows exactly who’s paying them to do what.