Letter: Why I support Jerry Hill for State Assembly

Letter to the Editor

By on Thu, May 29, 2008

Susan Alvaro is a Coastsider and member of both the San Mateo County Board of Education and the County Juvenile Justice Commission. Anyone supporting one of the other candidates (Gina Papan or Richard Holober) are invited to submit their own letters.

Jerry Hill, San Mateo County Supervisor and candidate for the 19th Assembly District, has an extensive record tackling the issues of the environment and healthcare in our county. He has been a leading supporter of initiatives on environmental protection, conserving our natural resources, and reducing our ecological footprint. He has served on a number of regulatory bodies, including the California Air Resources Board and Chairman of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. A leader in the effort to improve the quality of San Mateo County public schools, Jerry Hill understands that an investment in education is an investment in the future of the community.

As San Mateo County Supervisor, Jerry Hill has also opposed those pieces of legislation that represent special interests at the expense of the public and the environment.

Jerry has been an active supporter attempts to save our public schools from the devastating effects of continual budget cuts. As a credentialed teacher and long-time supporter of first-rate education, Jerry knows firsthand the importance of maintaining funding in our public schools to ensure our children get the education they deserve. His record of experience in improving the quality of our public schools and improving access to early education for San Mateo County residents highlights his dedication and commitment to the educational values that are important to us. 

Jerry Hill opposes the current version of AB 1991 which attempts to bypass important environmental and coastal protection laws in Half Moon Bay.  While sensitive to the need for Half Moon Bay to reach a settlement with a private developer or face an $18 million dollar judgment against the City, he believes the current version of AB 1991 goes too far.  Further discussion and compromise are needed.  When it comes to preserving San Mateo County’s precious open spaces and coastal areas, Jerry Hill has a proven track record that is unmatched by his opponents. He has been an active supporter of local and county-wide conservation efforts including those of the Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District, and voting to pass San Mateo County’s ordinance on conservation easement in rural areas.

Jerry Hill has a reputation as a dedicated elected official who understands and appreciates our values as a community. I trust Jerry to do as excellent a job for us at the state level, as he has at the county level.  He understands what’s most important to us, and he has the experience to serve effectively in Sacramento. That is why we need Jerry Hill to represent us in the State Assembly. Make sure our voice is heard in Sacramento – vote Jerry Hill so he can continue his work on the issues that matter most.