Women Who Light the Dark, Presentation & signing by Paola Gianturco

By on Sun, March 23, 2008

Norma Adhiambo
Paola Gianturco hoeing and ululating in a Kenya cornfield with members of GWAKO (Groups of Women in Water and Agriculture, Kochieng)

In honor of International Women’s Day, The Visionary Edge will host Paolo Gianturco as a quest speaker and presenter of her recently released fourth book entitled Women Who Light the Dark. The event will be held on Saturday, March 29th at the Johnson House Depot.  Doors will open at 7:00pm, event begins at 7:30.  Moon News will provide books for a book-signing after Ms.Gianturco’s presentation.

Since her retirement from the marketing and advertising business over 10 years ago, Paolo has dedicated her life to documenting the work of women in third world countries around the world.  She has published 4 exquisite full color photography books to date, donating all royalties to carefully chosen organizations that empower women in the countries in which she works. 

All proceeds go to The Global Fund for Women, a San Francisco based non-profit which provides grants to women in third world countries so they can take charge of their destiny by starting their own businesses.  Over the past twenty years The Global Fund for Women has provided over 5,000 grants in 164 countries.  Suggested donation at the door is $15, more if you are able.  No one turned away for lack of funds. Call 650-560-0200 for information and reservations.