Wood Burning Compliance


By on Mon, January 4, 2010

Even though I live one block from the ocean, sometimes here in Moss Beach it’s hard to breathe. On days when there’s no breeze and it’s cold, and people burn wood, the air becomes unhealthfully smokey. My eyes burn, and it’s harder to breathe.

Here is some important information from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District on winter use of indoor and outdoor fires which produce particulate matter (PM). 

"Since the 1980’s, many scientific studies have been published that correlate rising particulate matter (PM) levels with serious health effects, such as asthma symptoms, decreased lung function, increased hospital admissions and even premature death.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a national PM emission standard for woodstoves at 7.5 grams per hour. Since July 1, 1990, all woodstoves manufactured in the United States have been required to meet this EPA standard. Previously, unregulated woodstoves averaged 60 grams of PM in an hour.

You Can Make a Difference - Take These Steps To Reduce Wood Smoke Pollution

Stop Burning Wood! Pollute less by finding a cleaner way to heat your home.

Switch to a Gas Fireplace or Insert: Convert your fireplace to gas with a new gas fireplace insert.

If You Must Use Wood, Burn Less Wood: Reduce your heating needs by weatherizing your house. Replace your old woodstove or fireplace with a new certified model, and get more heat and less pollution while burning less wood.

Change the Way You Operate Your Stove or Fireplace: Burn only clean, seasoned wood and non-glossy white paper. Build small, hot fires instead of large smoldering ones. Burn seasoned cordwood. Watch your chimney for smoke and have it inspected often. Follow your wood heater’s operating instructions carefully.

And Remember - It’s Illegal to Use Your Fireplace when a Winter Spare the Air Alert is in Effect"


Thank you.
Barbara Kossy