You’re invited to a celebration at Hatch Elementary School, Friday January 27

Press release

By on Mon, January 23, 2006

Thank you!
The finished vegetable garden
Happy Hatch students
Council member Jim Grady
Ralph Laughlin of CNH Landscape & Design

by Sonja Myhre, Co-Chair, Day to Make a Difference Committee    

Parents, students, teachers, volunteers, local officials, and all Coastside community members are invited to join us this Friday, January 27, 2006 from 4:30 to 5:30 pm for a celebration of the Hatch Elementary School Landscape Remodel Project.  The celebration will be held in the Hatch Central Courtyard and Multipurpose Room at 490 Miramontes Drive in Half Moon Bay.

The celebration will commemorate the hard work and dedication of nearly 200 volunteers who came together on Saturday September 24, 2005 for a Day to Make a Difference.

Under the leadership of Ralph Laughlin, a Hatch parent and the owner of CNH Landscape & Design, these volunteers transformed the grounds of Hatch Elementary with native grasses and plantings, a raised-bed vegetable garden, a brand new look for the central courtyard, and an artistic mosaic on the school sign.

The celebration will include:

  • Dedication of the new courtyard fountain and commemorative bricks
  • Day to Make a Difference slide show
  • Light refreshments

For more information, contact the Day to Make a Difference Committee office at 650-726-9089.