You’re invited to a party at our house

By on Mon, December 13, 2004

Every year we hold a holiday party.  This year, in addition to inviting our old friends and the new ones we’ve made this year, we’re inviting you. If you’re a Coastsider reader, you’re invited to the Parrs’ annual holiday party. There will be the usual wine, champagne, desserts and light food, and we hope you’ll all be able to stop by and say hello.

The party will be this Saturday evening, December 18, at our home in Montara. We’ll be dressing up (nothing formal, shoes optional), but feel free to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

If you want to bring something, feel free to bring a drink, or goodie to add to the buffet, but nothing is really necessary but yourself.

To get an invitation and directions, send an email to [email protected]