You’re invited to the Farallones Sanctuary meeting Friday

Press release

By on Sat, April 12, 2008

You’re invited to learn more about Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, its resources and management issues, project and public programs, by attending a meeting of the sanctuary’s Advisory Council.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 9:00 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Pacifica Community Center, 540 Crespi Drive, Pacifica

8:45 Members Arrive and Light Refreshments
9:00 Call to Order/Roll Call

  - Review Agenda
  - Approval of Minutes (Dec 2007)
  - Review Minutes (Feb 2008)
  Richard Charter, Chair

9:15 Member and Liaison Reports
      Richard Charter, Chair

10:00 Working Group Reports

  - Tomales Bay Vessel Management
  - SCPP Enforcement and Coordinated Management
  Dominique Richard, Council Member;

      Bob Wilson, Council Member

10:15 BREAK

10:30 Superintendents Report

  - Facilities Master Plan
  - SIMoN expansion (
  - Cosco Busan update
  - Ocean Climate Summit update
  - Budget
  - Vessel Discharge SDEIS
  Maria Brown, Superintendent

11:00 Beach Renourishment in Half Moon Bay
      Maria Brown, Superintendent

11:15 Public Comment

11:30 Condition Report Update
      Jan Roletto, Research Coordinator

11:45 Tomales Bay Vessel Management Plan - Process Update Karen Reyna, Ecosystem ProtectionSpecialist, GFNMS

12:00 LUNCH

1:00 MLPA Update and Discussion
  Irina Kogan, Ecosystem Protection Specialist, GFNMS

2:00 Bolinas Lagoon Restoration Plan (Council Action) Sage Tezak, Bolinas Lagoon Restoration Coordinator; Bruce Bowser, Council Member

3:45 Advisory Council Business

  - Correspondences
  - Protocol for requesting agenda items and
  rescheduling meetings
  - MBNMS R/V Fulmar cruise
  - SAC opportunity for SEA Survey cruise
  Kelley Higgason, Advisory Council
  Coordinator; Maria Brown, Superintendent

3:15 Adjourn

The Advisory Council may take action on any of the above items on the agenda. Times of agenda items are subject to change. Public comment period will remain as advertised.

2008 Upcoming Meetings


  • July 10, 2008 Point Reyes

  • October 9, 2008 Council Retreat

  • December 11, 2008 San Francisco