Zoe Kersteen-Tucker named Executive Director of HOST
The Half Moon Bay Open Space Trust (HOST) announced last week that veteran environmentalist, Zoe Kersteen-Tucker, will serve as the organization’s first Executive Director.
Kersteen-Tucker, a Moss Beach resident, is best known for her roles as the founder and spokesperson of the Coastal Open Space Alliance to expand the boundaries of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District to the San Mateo County coast, Executive Director and formerly President of the Committee for Green Foothills, and the co-founder and principal spokesperson for the successful Devil’s Slide Tunnel initiative-Measure T.
Founded by a group of concerned citizens in 1998, HOST’s mission is to protect fragile natural resources along the coastline in and around Half Moon Bay for residents now and future generations of Californians. Of primary concern to HOST are ocean bluff tops, sensitive habitats, and land adjacent to existing parks and recreation facilities. These precious and unique coastal resources are very fragile and are perfect candidates for permanent preservation.
HOST board President, Michael La Guardia stated, "We are very pleased that Zoe has
agreed to put her considerable talent, experience, passion and network to work on behalf of the goals of HOST. We are eager to grow the organization and strengthen HOST’s presence as a regional force in the protection of open space. Zoe’s expertise will permit us to redouble our efforts to build new bridges and establish important regional partnerships on behalf of this unique coastal environment."
For more information about HOST please call 650.284.5056 or visit www.hostlandtrust.org. Contributions may be sent to HOST, P.O. Box 3205, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019.