Cheri Parr
Every month, COC volunteers feeds hundreds of Coastsiders.
Now that we’re zooming across our newly shined and polished Devil’s Slide, many of you will be wondering "What will I do now with those 3 or 4 hours a day I used to spend on the 92?" Even if you only have an hour a week—have we got a deal for you!
For 30 years, The Coastside Opportunity Center in El Granada has been reaching out to hard-working individuals and families who find themselves faced with emergency expenses that they cannot meet. From emergency food and shelter, to rental and utility assistance—even free tax preparation—the COC is here to help. While you were crawling along the 92 to work, we were right behind you taking patients to doctor’s appointments, therapy and dialysis.
What can you do to help?
The COC depends every day on volunteers. From the volunteers who stock the shelves of our Food Bank to those who organize our monthly Second Harvest Food Bank and our annual Adopt-a-Family Christmas Bureau, to those who volunteer their time as receptionists, landscapers, office support, and Board Members, volunteer and in-kind support are critical to the operation of the Coastside Opportunity Center.
Want to make a difference? Click here to download our current newsletter and read stories of how the work of the COC has made lives on the coast a little easier. None would be possible without the support of volunteers.
So what if you only have an hour to give?
Answer phones and get our receptionist out in the sun! (She could really use a break.) Empty one barrel of food onto the shelves of the food bank. Call clients and confirm their rides to the hospital. Pick up food barrels from Safeway and drop them at the COC. Help deliver food to seniors and low income centers. Go shopping for the holidays for a local family. Write an article for our newsletter. Help make cotton candy at the Pumpkin Festival Wrap gifts over hot chocolate during the holidays. File, file, and yes, more filing! Bring a little organization to our director’s office. Help our social worker find her desk. Pull weeds, trim bushes, and prune something! Organize our database and print labels. Write thank-you cards to donors.
Have more than an hour? Have a group that wants to help? Spend an afternoon packing and delivering food to coastside families in need. If your life has ever been touched by kindness, and you’re looking for a meaningful way to pass that kindness on, we hope you’ll call us today. You’ll be glad you did ... and so will we.
For more information on volunteer opportunities, call Susie Maya at 650-726-9071 or email our Volunteer Coordinator Beth Bryant at saavee@aol.com
Cheri L. Parr
Executive Director
Coastside Opportunity Center
Cheri Parr
COC’s annual Adopt-a-Family Christmas Bureau brings Christmas to over 300 Coastside families.
NOTE: Coastsider invites other nonprofits to describe opportunities they offer to volunteers.
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