Video: Coastside creek spilling into the ocean this morning

Beverly Hawkes
Here's a quick video of Cañada Verde Creek creek spilling into the ocean this morning after storm. It runs behind Creekside Dr in Canada Cove Mobile park, through golf course and into ocean.

By on Thu, March 24, 2011

Pescadero Creek flash flood warning

Breaking news

By on Thu, March 24, 2011

The National Weather Service has issued a flash flood warning for the Pescadero Creek area that is effect until 6:30 PM.  People in low lying areas or near the creek are advised to move to higher ground.  A shelter has been opened at Pescadero High School for people who need a place to go during the flash flood warning


UPDATE from a reader:

I’m the shelter person from Pescadero.  I don’t know why OES put out that alert, but the shelter is not open.  The Sheriffs checked it out and decided there was not enough of a threat to open it.
Yes, Pescadero Road is flooded near Hiway 1 (as it always does, but no homes are threatened and there are 3 other ways out of town.

Cal Fire has and engine and personel on both side of the flooded road (as they always do) in case of emergeny.

Lary Lawson
Chair of Pescadero Emergency Prepardness under PMAC

Pescadero Road closed

Breaking news

By on Thu, March 24, 2011

Pescadero Road between Highway 1 and Stage Road is closed due to flooding, according to the county alert system.

El Granada PTO Diamonds and Denim Auction, Saturday


By on Wed, March 23, 2011

The Coastside community has demonstrated their support for children and quality education by donating over 200 items for the annual Diamonds and Denim Auction. The auction will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2011 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Harbor Village in Pillar Point Harbor.  Admission is $35 per person and tickets are for sale at the door. 

We have over $30K in donations with notable item such as stays at 14 different hotels including the Carmel Valley Ranch, guided tour and lunch at Dreamworks Studios, VIP bottle service at a SF night club, estate bottled wines, artisan beers, 22 pieces of custom crafted jewelry, etc.  For additional information please visit our website.

Proceeds from the auction will fund basic school programs including P.E., science, and library as well as music, Art in Action and Art and Science Day, a long time tradition and coastal favorite. 

We look forward to seeing you at the auction.

Caroline Naito
PTO Co-President and Auction Chair

From the Triangle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for Women Workers


By on Wed, March 23, 2011

On the hundredth anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, Moss Beach resident Brigid O’Farrell urges Republicans like Scott Walker to listen to the women following in the footsteps of the strikers and Eleanor Roosevelt. Brigid is the author of She Was One of Us: Eleanor Roosevelt and the American Worker, just released on Cornell University Press. This post appeared originally on New Deal 2.0 and the Huffington Post.

For Women’s History Month this year, thousands of people around the country are commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Fire. On Saturday, March 25, 1911, flames engulfed a sweatshop just off of Washington Square, in New York City, where women’s shirtwaist blouses were made. One hundred and forty-six workers, mostly young Jewish and Italian girls, were burned to death by the fire or jumped to their deaths to escape. Doors were locked and the fire ladders couldn’t reach the top floors of the burning building. Women died at their sewing machines, but they didn’t have the right to vote in elections. The fire was an historic turning point for the country. The movement for social justice took on new urgency. Workplace safety legislation became a reality, the union movement gained momentum, and eventually women won the right to vote.

March is a time to celebrate the progress that women have made since the Triangle Fire, but there is also reason to pause and consider the fight that continues. We need only turn to Wisconsin. Governor Walker’s outright attack on unions is, indeed, a fundamental attack on working women. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over half of state workers and 61% of city workers are women. Thirty-one percent of state workers and 42% of local government workers belong to unions. They earn better wages than those who are not union members and the pay gap between women and men is smaller among union members.

Economics of Happiness, Saturday

Press release

By on Wed, March 23, 2011

On Saturday, March 16, 2011, The Visionary Edge will present a sneak preview screening of The Economics of Happiness by Australian filmmaker Helena Norberg-Hodge. Ms. Hodge will be joining us via Skype to discuss her new film and answer questions from the audience.

Soon-to-be-released The Economics of Happiness describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposing directions. On the one hand, an unholy alliance of governments and big business continues to promote globalization and the consolidation of corporate power. At the same time, people all over the world are resisting those policies, demanding a re-regulation of trade and finance—and, far from the old institutions of power, they’re starting to forge a very different future. Communities are coming together to re-build more human scale, ecological economies based on a new paradigm – an economics of localization.

Five years in production, The Economics of Happiness offers not only a big-picture analysis of globalization, but a powerful message of hope for the future. The thinkers and activists interviewed for the film come from every continent, and represent the interests of the great majority of people on the planet today. Their message is unambiguous: in order to respect and revitalize diversity, both cultural and biological, we need to localize economic activity. They argue that a systemic shift – away from globalizing economic activity and towards the local – is an almost magic formula that allows us to reduce our ecological footprint while increasing human well-being.

Doors open at 7:00pm, film at 7:30pm, Saturday March 26, 2011 at Community United Methodist Church, 777 Miramontes Street (at Johnston), Half Moon Bay. Suggested donation is $12 advance, $16 door. No one turned away for lack of funds. Call 650-207-3440 for information and tickets.

Flash flood watch cancelled


By on Tue, March 22, 2011

UPDATE: The NWS cancelled the flash flood watch this morning.

The National Weather Service has issued a flash flood watch for an area including the the coastal San Francisco Peninsula from midnight Tuesday through Wednesday afternoon.

The first in another series of late season storms will move into the greater san francisco and monterey bay regions later tonight and on wednesday bringing the potential for rainfall rates of 3/4 of an inch to possibly one inch per hour at times.

The main areas of concern are over the coastal sections and in particular the santa cruz mountains and the santa lucia mountains.

Impacts with the soil completely saturated localized flooding from runoff and increased potential for land movement are a concern. In addition the flashier streams and creeks across the watch area will likely see rapid rises with the heaviest rainfall rates. The main front is forecast to be through the area by early afternoon wednesday with showers behind the front.

Coastside Mothers’ Club Preschool Open House, Saturday, Apr 2

Press release

By on Tue, March 22, 2011

The Coastside Mothers’ Club presents its 17th annual Preschool Open House hosting 13 Coastside preschools from Half Moon Bay to Montara.  The preschools will be open for tours on Saturday, April 2, 2011 from 10:00am – 1:00pm.  This event is open to the public and free of charge as a community service to all Coastside residents.  Children are welcome.

The Preschool Open House is a great opportunity for interested families to meet directors and teachers, discuss curriculum, daily schedules and other program information, pick up enrollment forms and inquire about waiting lists.  No RSVP is required for the open house tours.  Attendees may visit any preschool on the list at their leisure during open house hours.

Open Preschools Include:

CEF endowment seeking Coastsiders to help allocate its funds


By on Tue, March 22, 2011

The board of directors of Cabrillo Education Foundation (CEF) is seeking applicants to serve as members of the CEF Allocation Committee beginning April 2011.

The Allocation Committee will be a body composed of no more than 11 citizens, including the CEF Executive Director, and up to 4 non-Board members.  The Allocation Committee will be tasked with making recommendations to the Board and to oversee and lead the process of allocating funds on behalf of the Board consistent with the allocation principles of CEF.

The Allocation Committee is to be comprised of qualified men, women and students ( 17 years and older) of diverse social-economic, ethnic, educational backgrounds representing all geographical areas included within the Cabrillo Unified School District Boundary.

MCC covers MCTV contract, Devil’s Slide crossing, Big Wave, La Costanera—Wednesday

By on Mon, March 21, 2011

Regular Agenda

  • PEG Access TV - Midcoast – (Len Erickson) 7:55 Presentation: Marty Ana, Executive Director Pacific TV, will give an overview of the a. Pacifica TV proposal for Coastside PEG TV and answer questions. Discussion: Consider input to the county on the contract for PEG TV.
  • Devil’s Slide Pedestrian/Bike Crossing – (Len Erickson) 8:35 Discussion: Report from MCC meetings with Caltrans (Mar. 2, 16) and next steps.
  • Big Wave Comment to Board of Supervisors – (All) 8:50 Discussion: Review MCC BoS presentation and changes / opportunities associated with the continuation of this item to March 29 by the Board of Supervisors.
  • La Costanara Lighting - (Deborah Lardie) 9:00 Approve: Letter requesting San Mateo County Code Compliance enforce outdoor lighting and other code requirements at La Costanera Restaurant in Montara.

Committee Reports and Continuing Business 9:20

  • Committee: GGNRA (Bill Kehoe)
  • Committee: LCP Resubmittal (Bill Kehoe)

Future Agendas 9:25

  • March 29: Candidates Night – 1st District Supervisor Candidates
  • April 13: GGNRA (Portals and Dog Policy
  • April 13: LCP Resubmittal


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