Road behind the old “Albertson’s”
Posted: 21 December 2006 02:28 PM
Jr. Member
Total Posts:  47
Joined  2005-07-28

Does anyone know what is going on with the section of Main Street that winds behind the old Albertson’s and in front of Ocean Shore?  The road is very torn up and the landscaping on either side has been removed.  Are they widening it?

Posted: 22 December 2006 01:24 PM   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2004-09-12

North Main Street is being widened - as Main Street between #92 and Stone Pine will also be widened - as part of the “Main & #92” project.  Overall, it’s a more complex undertaking than meets the eye because of the aging infrastructure (water, sewer, power, communications, and drains) under the right-of-way which is also being moved/updated.
