Pumpkin Festival still planned for October 14 to 15

By on Tue, May 30, 2006

The organizers of the Pumpkin Festival have announced that they are planning to hold the event as scheduled on October 14 and 15. They are planning for the contingency that the Devil’s Slide repairs may not be complete in time for the event which overloads Highway 92 every year, even when Highway 1 is operational.

Click to read the press release.

UPDATE: We fixed a problem with our latest Devil’s Slide video


By on Tue, May 30, 2006

If you had a problem loading our latest video from the construction at Devil’s Slide, please try again. We have fixed a small bug in the markup that affected some users.

Click on this link to see Coastsider’s visit to the Devil’s Slide construction site.

Letter: Please support Open Mic Night at Caffe Lucca

Letter to the editor

By on Tue, May 30, 2006

Cafe Lucca in Montara hosts an Open Mic night every other Saturday night, from 7 to 9 p.m.  It’s a great place to come out and hear music, poetry and comedy from many coastsiders and visitors to the coast.  With a very family-friendly environment, the Open Mic night provides a great opportunity to see the wide variety of talent here on the coast. 

Unfortunately, with the slide closing and perhaps general weekend travel, the Open Mic has seen a decline in attendance of both performers and audience over the past month or so.  There is a chance that it will be cancelled if there is not a greater attendance on future dates.  I would just like to ask residents of the coast to please come out and support this event.

Montara residents can easily walk to this event.  Lacking any town center in Montara, the Open Mic is also a great way to meet your neighbors.  Please come on down.  Montara Mike, Montara Mark and the 4th Street Experience will be playing.  It’s a lot of fun.

The next Open Mic is this Saturday, June 3rd, from 7-9 p.m.

Mike McCall

Coastside fireworks cancelled

Cheri Parr
The fireworks display at Princeton Harbor in 2005. Click on the image to see our gallery from last year.

By on Mon, May 29, 2006

The organizers of the Coastside fireworks display, Light Up the Sky Fourth of July, announced today that this year’s fireworks would be cancelled.

This outcome was not unexpected.  The fundraising for the event was far behind the amount needed to put on the show, and the Harbor District denied the organization a permit to put on their display at Princeton Harbor at its meeting on May 17.

Letter: Farallone View Day at Barnes & Noble in Colma

Letter to the editor

By on Mon, May 29, 2006

Author Diana Chambers will introduce her topical thriller, STINGER, in which a Peshawar-based CIA officer and a San Francisco journalist vie to find an elusive Afghan chief. (Also available is Chambers’ first novel, The Company She Keeps—the sequel to STINGER.)

Children’s author—and Farallone View parent—Susan Verlander will sign copies of her picture books, Wake Up, City and Goodnight, Country, about the sights, sounds and rhythms of busy city mornings and gentle country evenings.

Participate in Barnes & Noble’s great summer reading activity: “READ 8, GET ONE FREE.” Informational flyers have been distributed to FV students, who may exchange them for a new book. Or pick up one at the store.

Vouchers will be available at B&N to accompany purchases that day. Please remember: a portion of all proceeds from the day’s sales will go to Farallone View Elementary School.

June 3, 2006,  10 AM-5 PM
Author Hours, 11 AM - 4 PM

Special Added Attraction:
Farallone View Band performs at 11 AM, under the direction of Art McGaw.

Buy a Barnes and Noble gift card through FV scrip sales. Use the gift card to make your purchase with the voucher and then more money goes to Farallone View!

Barnes and Noble
280 Metro Center, 119 Colma Blvd.
Colma, CA

Video:  Tour Devil’s Slide and repairs with Caltrans geologist

Darin Boville
Click on the photo to see our tour of the repair site.

By on Sun, May 28, 2006

We went up on Devil’s Slide Thursday afternoon to take a tour of the repair site with Caltrans geologist Grant Wilcox.

In the tour, Grant tells us how the Devil’s Slide landslide structure, how the roadbed has dropped historically and how it dropped this winter, what Caltrans has done to reduce the risks from rockslides, how the repair is designed and how it’s supposed to work, alternate repairs considered by Caltrans (including dewatering), and worst case scenarios, including whether the repair would survive another winter like the last one.

HMB Rec Dept announces women’s drop-in soccer program 

By on Sat, May 27, 2006

The Half Moon Bay Recreation Division has begun a drop-in soccer program for Women 18 and over.  The program will runs from May 31 until July 26 (except on June 14), 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Half Moon Bay High School football/soccer field.  There is a $5 per night charge per player.  For more information, please contact Half Moon Bay Recreation Division at 650-726-8297.

Video: Measure S debate at MCC

By on Sat, May 27, 2006

Darin Boville
Cindy Epps spoke for Measure S and Ken Johnson against the parcel tax measure in the debates at Wednesday's Midcoast Community Council meeting. Click on the image to see Darin Boville's video.

Joe’s is back

By on Fri, May 26, 2006

Cheri Parr
Joe’s in Half Moon Bay, closed on January 27 after a fire, reopened Thursday.


Video: State Senate debate on Coastside

Barry Parr
Oscar Braun and Leland Yee. Click to see the video

By on Fri, May 26, 2006

On Wednesday at 8:45pm, the Midcoast Community Council hosted a debate by the candidates for the State Senate District 8 Democratic and Republican nominations. Of the Democrats, only Leland Yee show up up. Mike Nevin and Lou Papan were absent.  Of the Republicans, only Oscar Braun was there.  Mike Skipakevich did not show up.  Click on the image to see the video by Darin Boville

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