Marine Sanctuary looking for advisors

Press release

By on Sun, September 28, 2008

NOAA’s Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary is seeking to fill one seat and two alternate positions on its advisory council.

The sanctuary is accepting applications for a conservation primary seat on the advisory council, as well as conservation and community-at-large (Marin/Sonoma) alternate positions. Applications are due by Oct. 27, 2008.

HMB Police community relations workshop, Tuesday


By on Sat, September 27, 2008

Letter: Montara Mountain Lovers, please leash your dogs


By on Sat, September 27, 2008

Lest it not be insult enough that her mountain-majesty is being subjected to a major mountain-ectomy that alters her natural
anatomy forever—-must we be subject to off-leash violators on a daily basis. PLEASE:  leash up or bug out.  (Yes, I love dogs too.)

Kay Lindquist  

County Times Coastside reporter Julia Scott wins journalism award

By on Fri, September 26, 2008

Julia Scott, who covers the Coastside for the County Times, received an award as "Outstanding Emerging Journalist of the Year" from the Northern California chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Her reporting, according to the award…

displays a solid grasp of one of the most crucial issues in the Bay Area: water. Her reporting is thorough, her writing clear and concise as she explains the sometimes complex science and bureaucratic processes involved in monitoring and protecting the region’s most valuable resource. In a story titled "Troubled Waters" she explores the sources of the waste that contaminate a well-known Pacifica creek, and shows that there are no simple answers for a community trying to clean up the waters that eventually flow into the ocean. Similarly she reported on the wide range of pharmaceutical drugs that people have flushed into the Bay. Scott examines the complicated identification, monitoring and regulatory issues that stand in the way of removing these substances for the protection of humans and wildlife. Her coverage has provided important contributions to the public discussion of some of our most pressing environmental and public health issues.

Video: Eco-Solar Tour this Saturday

By on Fri, September 26, 2008

This five minute video finds Neil Merrilees up on the roof with Dennis Paull in Half Moon Bay. Dennis, one of the organizers of the Eco-Solar Tour, has installed a variety of green additions to his home.

The third annual Eco-Solar Tour takes place this Saturday from 1-4 pm. You can visit their web page here.

The overall theme is "Sustainability" and the 25 stops on the tour (which you can visit in any order, skipping as you wish) feature not only solar technologies but also low-water landscaping, hybrid cars, and other examples of sustainability.

To obtain the tour map you will need to register [link].

Reproduced with permission of Montara Fog.

Two Cub Scouts recognized for outstanding achievement in their religious studies

David Pantera, age 10
Sterling Russell, age 8

By on Fri, September 26, 2008

On Thursday Sept. 18, 2008 Cub Scout Pack 255 held its first meeting of the season and awarded the prestigious and particularly hard to achieve Religious Emblem to two scouts, Sterling Russell, age 8 earned his award for Jewish studies and David Pantera, age 10 earned his award for Catholic studies.

While cub scouts can earn many patches for service work and various achievements, the Religious Emblem patch is the only one boy’s can wear on their uniform all the way through Cub Scouts, Boys Scouts, and Eagle Scout and as an adult leader. Each level of advancement in cub scouts has a religious component.  For the religious component, the scout can earn the Religious Emblem of Faith for his religion.  It typically takes 9-12 months working closely with the boy’s parents and religious leader to study the requirements around the boy’s faith to earn the emblem.  Along with the patch, the boy also receives a medal, which is awarded at the boy’s place of worship.

Kent Dowling, Executive Director of the Pacific Skyline Counsil of Boys Scouts of America commented, "These boys have gone "above and beyond" to learn about their faith. This dedication and commitment will serve them well throughout their lives. Very few Scouts earn this prestigious award and we are proud of them." 

Roy Stahl, Pack 255 Cub master noted that,"These are only the 2nd and 3rd boys in our pack in recent history to tackle and succeed with this award."

Maggid (Rabbi) Jhos Singer of the Coastside Jewish Community said, "Sterling has shown great enthusiasm for his culture and religion by learning about so many important elements of Judaism and in creating fun crafts like a Tzedakah (Charity) Box and a giant dreidle for Hannukah.  He was also very intrigued with the story of the boy David taking out the giant Goliath."

Father Honesto Gile of St. Timothy of San Mateo said, "It takes a lot of work to achieve the Peruvi Dei medal for scouts of the Catholic Faith.  We are very proud of David."

Open mike at Caffe Lucca in Montara, Friday

Press release

By on Fri, September 26, 2008

Who says there’s no nightlife in Montara? There will be an open mike at Caffe Lucca, in the heart of Montara’s entertainment district, this Friday night from 7 to 9:30pm.  In October, there will be Friday open mikes at Caffe Lucca on October 10 and 24.

Caffe Lucca
Hwy 1 @ 8th St.

Entry fee waived Saturday at county parks, volunteers needed

By on Fri, September 26, 2008

Visitors to San Mateo County parks this Saturday can experience the beauty of redwoods, ocean views and wildlife for free in celebration of National Public Lands Day, which promotes volunteerism and caring for the environment.

The County is waiving the normal $5 entry fee all day Saturday, September 27, to help encourage residents to experience the beauty of the parks. The County is also hosting two special events where individuals, families and service groups can pitch in to enhance the parks and work side-by-side with rangers. Parks that are free to visit on Saturday are: Coyote Point Recreation Area, Flood, Huddart, Junipero Serra, Memorial, Sam McDonald, San Bruno Mountain, San Pedro Valley and Wunderlich.

At Junipero Serra Park in San Bruno, volunteers are needed to work with rangers to paint restrooms and picnic shelters, remove eucalyptus debris and install relocated picnic sites, among other projects.

At Huddart Park near Woodside, volunteers will work with rangers and community partners to repair a half-mile section of Skyline Trail.

"We hope people are willing to give a little of their time to help the parks that have provided so many people so much enjoyment over the years," said Parks Director David Holland. "By making the parks free on National Public Lands Day, a growing number of people can become aware of these wonderful resources and also of volunteer opportunities."

Participation in National Public Lands Day has grown to 110,000 volunteers at 1,300 sites across the United States from its beginning in 1994 with three federal agencies and 700 volunteers.

To volunteer at Junipero Serra Park, contact Ranger Al Zuker at (650) 589-5708 or at [email protected] or Cecily Harris at (650) 363-4027 or [email protected]. Volunteers will gather at the park entrance at 8:30 a.m. and work until 12:30 p.m. Registration is required.

To volunteer at Huddart Park, contact Steve Bacosa, outreach specialist at REI in San Carlos, at [email protected]. You may also contact Cecily Harris of the Parks Department at (650) 363-4027 or email [email protected]. Volunteers will meet at Sequoia Day Camp, located through the gatehouse on Kings Mountain Road, between 8 and 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided and trail work will end at about 1 p.m.

Renewal: A film about faith and the environment, Monday at Holy Family

Press release

By on Thu, September 25, 2008

Holy Family Episcopal Church will hold a special screening of Renewal, a powerful documentary that describes the actions of people of faith as they take on the environmental challenges facing our country today. The show begins at 7pm on Monday, Sept. 29, at Holy Family Episcopal Church, 1590 S. Cabrillo Highway, Half Moon Bay.  The program is free and open to the public. For more information call 726-0506. 

The film begins with the story of Evangelical Christians in Appalachia bearing witness to the devastating effects of mountain top removal by coal companies. It then goes on to tell of a variety of environmental actions by Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Native Americans, and Christians of every flavor. These narratives offer an inspirational look at the grass roots efforts by people of faith to heal and protect Creation.

MCC Holds CUSD Candidate Forum, Wednesday

By on Wed, September 24, 2008

Hear CUSD candidates Charlie Gardner, Ken Johnson, and John Moseley on Wednesday, September 24, 2008, at the Midcoast Community Council’s Candidate Forum beginning at 7:30 p.m. at Seton Medical Center Coastside, Fireside Room. Please park in the upper parking lot.

For over 15 years, the MCC has cooperated with the League of Women Voters to present candidate forums for the community prior to each election. This year the only local race is for Governing Board of Cabrillo Unified School District. Each candidate will present a brief opening statement, then respond to written questions submitted by audience members, and finish with a short closing statement.

MCTV will broadcast the Candidate Forum several times prior to Election Day. Please attend so you can meet the candidates and have your questions answered.

Staying with the political theme of the evening, Martha Poyatos of LAFCo will present the Sphere of Influence Update Report for Half Moon Bay and the Unincorporated Midcoast. Ms. Poyatos will answer questions and take community comment on the proposed spheres of influence. Spheres of influence adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission determine the areas in which cities and special districts provide services to meet the needs of their constituents.

The LAFCo report is available prior to the meeting at and comments will be accepted by LAFCo through an extended deadline of October 1, 2008.

Paul Perkovic, former MCC member

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