Dear CCWD’s Chris, Bob, Jerry, Ken, Jim, David:
My name is Simon Streets.
Please call me Simon.
My family of 6 and I reside on San Clemente Road in El Granada the fourth house up from Isabella Road where the CCWD and AT&T are considering “planting” a cell tower mono-pine tree.
By now you have heard and read various concerns of several El Granada community members regarding the “planting” of this cell tower tree.
I have been active in “spreading the word” about these cell tower plans to our community and expressing our community’s concerns to the MCC Board.
Most concerned parties are in favor of improved cell service in the surrounding communities, but most of these same parties strongly request that any required cell towers be co-located with current cell towers or located in commercial areas and not in R-1 zoned residential areas.
I understand that these cell tower plans are part of “your business” and provide some revenue for the CCWD, however, the concern and disruption that these plans cause many of my El Granada neighbors is part of “my business”, and I truly hope that you will hear, listen, and absorb the concerns of the El Granada community members whom have provided their concerns to you via letters, e-mails, online petition comments, petition signatures, newspaper articles, web-site postings, etc.,.