Wavecrest development agreement is now available from Coastsider

By on Tue, August 2, 2005

Coastsider now has the development agreement between the city of Half Moon Bay and Wavecrest Partners LLC [PDF], thanks to the good folks at SanMateo.org.  The document, dated August 31, 1999, is 46 pages long and 8.7MB in size.  Note: a few of the pages are out of order in the scan, including pages 14 and 15.

Good fences make good neighbors, but bad fences make bad neighborhoods

By on Tue, August 2, 2005

Portola Valley is considering an ordinance that would ban front-yard fences that the you can’t see through—outlawing hedges,  boards, stone, or any other solid material. Front-yard fences could be split rail, mesh or wire, according to the Mercury News.

The goal is to preserve the openness of the community. Too many fences make things too constricted, cutting folks off from nature and from their neighbors. I think they have a point. Take a look at the pictures on the story and you’ll understand what they’re talking about.

"The newer folks coming into town, the first thing they’ve asked is: ‘Where can I put my fence?’ and ‘Can I have a gate?’" said town planning manager Leslie Lambert, who estimates that 80 percent of new-home-buyers visiting town hall these days ask about fences.

Big fences aren’t much of an issue on the Coastside. But I think this story points out how lots of seemingly small individual decisions can degrade a neighborhood pretty quickly.

League for Coastside Protection BBQ/Fundraiser will be Saturday

By on Mon, August 1, 2005

The League for Coastside Protection is holding a BBQ/fundraiser on Saturday August 6, from 4 to 7pm. The LCP is a political action committee set up to support political candidates "who uphold the spirit and substance of the California Coastal Act". There are three featured guests:

  • Sara Wan, a Malibu engineer who has been a Coastal Commissioner since 1996, and who chaired the Commission until 2002. Wan was featured on KQED’s documentary ‘Coastal Clash’ (to be aired again on Channel 9 on August 24).
  • Mike Ferreira, Half Moon Bay City Council Member.
  • Lennie Roberts, legislative advocate for the Committee for Green Foothills.

Other local candidates and elected officials will be there, and it will be a good opportunity to meet them in an informal environment.

The event will be at the home of John and Jules Lynch, 2098 Touraine Lane, in the Frenchman’s Creek neighborhood in Half Moon Bay. Parking is tight in Frenchman’s Creek, so parking and a shuttle from entrance to Frenchman’s Creek to the Lynch residence will be available from the lot adjacent to the traffic light.

This is also a fundraiser for LCP’s 2005 election work. Each attendee is asked to make a donation of at least $20 for adults and $5 for children. Donations of $35 for adults and $15 for children are suggested to those would who would like to provide additional support.

RSVP to 650-726-9280 by Wednesday evening to let them know how many of you will be attending and your preference for chicken, hot dogs, or veggie burgers.

Album: Classics by the Sea 2005

By on Mon, August 1, 2005

It turned out to be a very nice day for a car show. It was overcast, but not that cold, and the sun wasn’t beating down on us all afternoon.

What I love about these shows is that you get a chance to see some really timeless design. There was a lot to see, but I wanted to focus on Coastsiders who were exhibiting at the show, and there were a few. I got photos of a couple who happened to be with their cars when I came by.

There was a good turnout of interesting cars, gourmet food to try, and interested visitors.  The setting, on a lawn next to the Ritz and the golf course, was ideal.

Barry Parr
Barry Parr
Jack Castor of Half Moon Bay was there with a beautiful Jaguar D-Type, replica long-nose, long fin.
Barry Parr
Pfeiffer Juergen with his wife and daughter, of Moss Beach, showed their 1964 Corvette Stingray.  Pfeiffer’s daughter sports a Petite Baleen t-shirt, something she has in common with my own three-year-old daughter.


Half Moon Bay and Wavecrest settle lawsuit

By on Mon, August 1, 2005

The city of Half Moon Bay and Wavecrest Village LLC have settled a lawsuit [PDF] brought by Wavecrest nearly two years ago, following special meeting of the City Council at 7:30 this morning.

The Wavecrest project has been a source of friction within the community for years. See Coastsider’s chronology of the project for details.  Two years ago, the city found the developer to be in default of its development agreement. Wavecrest sued the city over this, and the parties came to an agreement last summer.

According to the settlement, not much was changed by the lawsuit.  Neither party pays anything to the other, each absorbs their own legal fees, the city brings Wavecrest’s Compliance Certificates up to date. The city and Wavcrest may explore alternative locations for the middle school and the Boy’s and Girl’s Club without violating the agreement.  Both parties agreed to give one another three days notice before communicating with any public agencies.  The agreement leaves unresolved their continuing disagreement over the meaning of some aspects of the 1999 Development Agreement.

The city had already reached a temporary agreement with the developer just over a year ago, but it had become stalled by the discovery of endangered species habitat on the site.

In a prepared press release Mayor Grady said "We were able to resolve our differences so that we could all get on with the business of getting the project processed through the Coastal Commission appeal."  On behalf of Wavecrest Bill Barrett said "We are glad to be able to put this disagreement behind us, and we look forward to working cooperatively with the City to achieve a viable project that delivers the public benefits that the parties want to realize from this project."

Why hold the meeting early on Monday? Council Member Mike Ferreira said both sides faced additional daily legal expenses beginning today.

While Mayor Grady and Council Member Ferreira acted as the council’s committee on the matter, everyone on the council was involved in the process.  Grady praised the late hours and weekend work of City Attorney Adam Lindgren along with Wavecrest’s Bruce Russell. He also singled out Council Member Toni Taylor for her contributions, "She’s a tough boss when it comes to protecting the City’s interests."

UPDATE:  I’ve added a link to a copy of the settlement agreement, which is six pages long. It refers to exhibits, which I don’t have yet. This story has been edited to add details to the description of the terms and the history of the settlement.

ADDENDUM: Coastsider now has the development agreement between the city of Half Moon Bay and Wavecrest Partners LLC [PDF], thanks to the good folks at SanMateo.org.  The document, dated August 31, 1999, is 46 pages long and 8.7MB in size.  Note: a few of the pages are out of order in the scan, including pages 14 and 15.

County Times has additional perspective on Beachwood

By on Sun, July 31, 2005

The County Times has a story on the Beachwood decision. I’m not certain there’s much new information there, but it’s definitely worth reading if you’re interested in this case.

Midcoast Community Council will appoint one new member before election

By on Sat, July 30, 2005

Here’s your chance to serve on a Coastside board without the hassle of running for office.

The Midcoast Community Council is looking for candidates for an appointment to an open seat that expires November 2007. This is in addition to the four seats that will be up for election this November.

The MCC advises the Board of Supervisors on public health, safety, welfare, public works and planning in the unincorporated Midcoast (El Granada, Moss Beach, and Montara). The MCC is very active and influential on issues of planning and zoning, and makes an important contribution to the future of the Coastside. Candidates must be registered voters living on the Midcoast.

The MCC meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 7:30pm at the Seton Medical Center, 600 Marine Blvd, Moss Beach.

The deadline for applications is August 19. An application is available on the MCC website.  Or you can get one from Kim Langel, Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 400 County Center, Redwood City, or by calling 650.363.4161.

Classic cars return to the Coastside on Sunday

Jim Holsman of Moss Beach will be showing his 1904 Holsman Hi-Wheeler, which was designed and invented by his great uncle, Henry Holsman

By on Sat, July 30, 2005

The Classics by the Sea car show returns to the Coastside for the fourth time on Sunday from 11 to 4 at the Ritz.

Several Coastsiders will be exhibiting the cars this year.  John McCue will be showing a 1957 Cadillac Coupe de Ville and a 1966 El Dorado convertible, Jack Castor of Half Moon Bay is bringing his 1956 Jaguar D-Type, and Travis Ball his 1967 Jaguar 420, James Holsman will be showing his 1904 Holsman Hi-Wheeler, which was designed and invented by his great uncle, Henry Holsman.

The funds raised at this event will benefit the Chamber Commerce, which produces the show, and the Chamber’s Scholarship Fund, Coastside Education and Senior programs. This year’s them is "A Celebration of Food, Wine, & Wheels", with gourmet food and wine tasting. Admission is $10.

Princeton bakery continues to set the pace for cakes

By on Fri, July 29, 2005

Susan Morgan’s Elegant Cheesecakes has taken the baking world by storm since she started no formal training in 1988.  The Mercury News has a feature on the Princeton cakemaker.  This year Elegant Cheesecakes was named one of Modern Bride magazine’s top 25 trendsetters of 2005. A couple of years ago, she made a wedding cake for the Parrs.

Sheriff’s blotter: July 22 to 26

By on Fri, July 29, 2005

This week: A realtor who was bitten by a dog, a DUI on Highway 92, a probation violation involving possession of a dog, vandalism with green paint Airport Road, a DUI in Princeton, a vandal in La Honda with a prodigious thirst for Coors Light, a temporarily missing teenager at Pomponio State Beach, and a suspicious man with a stuffed animal.

Click "read more" to get the details.

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