Comments by Kevin J. Lansing

Supervisor Gordon will be at MCC to speak on Midcoast representation, Weds

January 13, 2009
Darin is starting to sound more and more like Rich Gordon's spokesperson. Regarding his "deeper bench" idea in Comment #7: Recall that there were only two applicants for the two open MCC slots and now the Supes are seeking to deny one of those applicants--the one who has voiced opposition to their LCP update sell-out to realtors and builders. So there is not a very deep bench in the MidCoast apparently. And he writes: "...The MidCoast seems overwhelmingly made up of people who prefer slower growth..."…

Supervisor Gordon will be at MCC to speak on Midcoast representation, Weds

January 13, 2009
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the real reason for the resolution by Rich Gordon is to eventually purge the MCC of some local voices who have not gone along with the Supervisors' vision for the Midcoast (i.e., cramming in 3400 more houses to benefit their realtor and builder friends). Supervisors' Vision for the Midcoast: Double the Number of Houses and Cars

Video: Supervisor’s legislative aide lowers the boom on MCC over letter to LAFCO

January 08, 2009
Rich Gordon strikes again.

Supervisor Gordon plans to defer MCC appointments to Jan 27 meeting

January 06, 2009
It looks like Supervisor Rich Gordon is once again trying to silence the local MCC voice, perhaps to appease the pro-builder lobby, one of which is a member of the MCC. Some may recall that one year ago, Gordon tried to abolish to the MCC, claiming that the elected body did not represent the views of citizens even though the Fall 2007 election has placed three new members on the council. A quick refresher: January 2008: Rich Gordon's last attempt to silence the local MCC voice January 2008: My letter…

Letter: Doorbells, and sleigh bells, and isn’t schnitzel bad for my cholesterol?

December 06, 2008
It seemed like last night's "Night of Lights" was well attended, if that is any indication. It was actually "snowing" at the corner of Main Street and Miramontes. First time I have ever seen that.

Mountain lion sighted at Ocean and Bernal in Moss Beach

November 22, 2008
Actually ,I think the proper name is "Serramonte del Boca Harbor Vista."

Coastal Commission approves MWSD public works plan

November 21, 2008
Fresh off his recent school board election victory, CUSD trustee Gardner resumes his meddling in areas that have nothing to do with improving our local schools. The voters have spoken I suppose. Maybe the all-knowing majority voters would also like to see our elected water board officials start meddling in school issues.

Letter: Big Wave wellness center and office park scoping meeting, Tuesday Nov 18

November 10, 2008
Below is the link to the project tracking information in the County's online permit center. Notice that it is described as being located at the "Pillar Point Marsh." So, the typo "Bog Wave" in the online posting is actually not far from the truth. County Online Permit Center: "Bog Wave"

Letter: Big Wave wellness center and office park scoping meeting, Tuesday Nov 18

November 10, 2008
This is not the first public meeting for Big Wave. The previous one was held over two years ago (see link below). Big Wave Public Meeting June 2006 Since then, what was already a huge project seems to have morphed into something even bigger. An excerpt from the EIR notice: "Proposed utilities and energy systems for use at the site include...wind turbines and filling stations... and/or a desalination plant located at Princeton pier..." I have emailed Barry a pdf of the EIR…

Coastsider endorses John Moseley for school board

October 23, 2008
It's kind of interesting to recall the 2004 CUSD election. The big issue back then was the Wavecrest Middle School which both Gardner and Moseley were supporting. And of course, the HMB Review did its best to slant things in their favor. 2004: The Review's Bias Shows in CUSD Election Gardner and Moseley won the election, but Wavecrest was not to be. I can't think of anything that the two incumbents have accomplished in the last four years, yet they are asking to be re-elected.

Coastsider endorses John Moseley for school board

October 22, 2008
One other historical note: In 2004, Lew Cohen (then the campaign manager for CUSD candidate John Moseley) had Amity Scholars from the Hatch Elementary Spanish Immersion Program doing precinct walking to pass out campaign materials for Moseley and Charles Gardner. The Amity Scholars program is sponsored by a 501(3)c non profit organization which is not supposed to engage in political activities. The precinct walking continued even after a Hatch parent called Mr. Cohen to point out that it was not…

Coastsider endorses John Moseley for school board

October 22, 2008
Barry forgot to mention Charles Gardner's complicity in the sleazy anonymous attack advertisement against Jonathan Lundell in the 2004 school board election: Gardner and Anonymous Attack Advertisement

Video: School board candidates debate

October 17, 2008
Let's review the basic facts: (1) We have an incumbent school board trustee (Charles Gardner) who has demonstrated repeatedly that he cares more about lobbying for big development projects than doing the job he was elected to do, which is to improve the local schools. (2) The local schools are in terrible shape both academically and financially. (3) Having Gardner on the school board does nothing to help solve the problems noted in (2). In fact, his presence makes things much worse because his polarizing,…

Video: School board candidates debate

October 15, 2008
By the way, I'm not the only one who has noticed that school board trustee Gardner is spending lots of time lobbying for development projects. Here's what HMB Review Editor Clay Lambert had to say about Gardner in his December 12, 2007 editorial: HMB Review Editorial (Dec. 12, 2007): "Gardner should leave lobbying over development to others" "...[W]e simply think [Gardner] is wrong. The potential to drag CUSD into costly litigation and the obvious conflicts of interest are obvious. Elected officials…

Video: School board candidates debate

October 15, 2008
Charles Gardner writes: "...The school board’s vote of solidarity with the city council..." This proves my point perfectly. Gardner was elected to serve as a trustee of the CUSD school district--not as a member of the Half Moon Bay City Council. Why can't the school board just stick to the job is was elected to do? Obviously, boared member John Moseley understood this concept and so he had the integrity to vote against Gardner & Co. on the AB 1991 fiasco back in June of this year. Gardner then…

Video: School board candidates debate

October 14, 2008
Hopefully the voters will see that the school board's meddling in land-use politics, led by Charles Gardner, has harmed the finances of not only the school district, but also the entire Coastside that depends on the City of HMB for many services. It's way past time for some new blood on the school board. Ken Johnson is a reform candidate who will push for needed changes. My HMB Review Letter to Editor, June 11, 2008

Video: School board candidates debate

October 07, 2008
Ken, Thanks for setting the record straight (again) in what amounts to Gardner's intentional distortion of the facts. Gardner wrote: "...if you check your records, I think you will find it was me who made the motion to proceed with the construction at Cunha." I guess he didn't expect anybody to check the records to find out that he actually voted against the Cunha site 2 weeks earlier. A clear attempt to gamble on the outcome of the 2005 City Council election. Basically, school board trustee Gardner…

Video: School board candidates debate

October 06, 2008
Charles Gardner writes: "The $7.4 million dollars is your fault, and could have been used for our childrens education..." Typical politician behavior to blame others for their own poor decisions. Whose fault is it that the schools are not meeting federal standards. Of course it can't be the school board's fault. Oh no. And the school board was perfectly justified to meddle in Half Moon Bay land use politics with AB 1991. After all, the board was just "showing support for our community leaders" a.k.a.…

Video: School board candidates debate

October 05, 2008
Well yes, the school board (including Charles Gardner) finally did vote in 2005 to build the new middle school at Cunha. But that was after they had already wasted ten years and tens of millions of dollars in escalated construction costs trying to play the development speculation game at Wavecrest. They were told way back in 1996 that Cunha was the best option: 1996 Opinion Piece Reprint Once again, with AB 1991 this past spring, the school board tried to play the development speculation game with…

Video: School board candidates debate

October 03, 2008
Charles Gardner ran for school board 4 years ago with one goal in mind: get the 220 house Wavecrest/middle school development approved. He failed in that, thankfully. Then Gardner tried to help the Old Guard City Council pass AB 1991 that would have gutted every state and local environmental law on the books. He failed in that, thankfully. But, to be fair, Gardner has been successful in accomplishing one thing: guaranteeing that no CUSD parcel tax can pass in the forseeable future. Good job Charlie!

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