Comments by Kevin J. Lansing

SamTrans hasn’t addressed Coastside concerns

June 01, 2006
Brian Ginna wrote: "You [Jonathan Lundell] infer from the LCP update that the “buildout numbers” double the population. They do not." If the buildout targets are not going to be reached as you so confidently predict, then why is CCWD spending millions of dollars in previously accumulated reserves (our money) and raising rates to expand the capacity of the water system to handle the buildout numbers? The buildout numbers are the official basis for the Supervisor's plans for needed infrastructure…

Travel times on Highway 1 are now available

June 05, 2006
Below is some updated data from 511 website that includes today (Monday) Wednesday 05/31/06 7:27am MONT-HMB 10m (m=minutes) Thursday 06/01/06 8:13am MONT-HMB 17m, ELG-HMB 13m, HMB-280 12m Friday 06/02/06 5:46am MONT-HMB 10m, ELG-HMB 5m, HMB-280 12m 6:08am MONT-HMB 12m, ELG-HMB 7m, HMB-280 12m 6:28am MONT-HMB 12m, ELG-HMB 8m, HMB-280 13m 6:48am MONT-HMB 10m, ELG-HMB 6m, HMB-280 13m 7:06am MONT-HMB 10m, ELG-HMB 6m, HMB-280 13m 7:26am MONT-HMB 10m, ELG-HMB 6m, HMB-280 16m 7:54am MONT-HMB 10m, ELG-HMB…

Travel times on Highway 1 are now available

June 02, 2006
Here's a summary of data collected on Coastside driving times from the 511 website over the last three days: Wednesday 05/31/06 7:27am MONT-HMB 10m (m = minutes) Thursday 06/01/06 8:13am MONT-HMB 17m, ELG-HMB 13m, HMB-280 12m Friday 06/02/06 5:46am MONT-HMB 10m, ELG-HMB 5m, HMB-280 12m 6:08am MONT-HMB 12m, ELG-HMB 7m, HMB-280 12m 6:28am MONT-HMB 12m, ELG-HMB 8m, HMB-280 13m 6:48am MONT-HMB 10m, ELG-HMB 6m, HMB-280 13m 7:06am MONT-HMB 10m, ELG-HMB 6m, HMB-280 13m 7:26am MONT-HMB 10m, ELG-HMB 6m, HMB-280…

Travel times on Highway 1 are now available

June 01, 2006
At 8:13am on Thursday 06/01/06 these are the travel times reported on the 511 website: Montara to HMB: 17 minutes El Granada to HMB: 13 minutes HMB to 280: 12 minutes So, where are the huge traffic delays that people keep citing as justification for eliminating the so-called "free right turn" from NB Hwy 1 onto Hwy 92?

Travel times on Highway 1 are now available

May 31, 2006
According to the 511 website, at 7:27am on Wednesday 05/31/06, it takes just 10 minutes to travel from Montara to HMB.

Video:  Tour Devil’s Slide and repairs with Caltrans geologist

May 29, 2006
Great video. Many thanks to Darin and Barry for actually bringing us out to the construction site to hear an onsite briefing by the CalTrans geologist. I'm not sure if others take this kind reporting for granted or not, but I sure don't. provides a real-time perspective on issues that the HMB Review can't even dream of.

Caltrans seeking consensus, not approval, from HMB on traffic light

July 08, 2006
Brian Ginna wrote: "Is there a timeline for removing the unused lights?" Good question. Those things are major eyesores. The Chamber of Commerce has been pushing a program to beautify the City's medians. Those orange-bagged lights are not certainly not helpful in this regard.

Caltrans seeking consensus, not approval, from HMB on traffic light

June 02, 2006
JB Cockrell wrote: "The intersection in question is CA 1 and CA 92. Neither of these are HMB 1 or HMB 92 therefore why should CalTrans have to ask HMB if they can activate the lights?" The installation of the new stop lights constitutes development that would normally require a Coastal Development Permit if the City were dealing with a reasonable public agency that recognized local authority. Unfortunately, we aren't dealing with such an agency in this case. Aside from the legal/permit issues, the…

Caltrans seeking consensus, not approval, from HMB on traffic light

May 27, 2006
Barry Parr wrote: "The agency [CalTrans] is performing a traffic study requested by the city next week..." Now let's see. CalTrans badly wants to put in a new stoplight at that intersection and has been pushing to do so for at least 10 years. CalTrans is asked to justify its proposal with a traffic study. CalTrans itself is doing the traffic study. Now does anybody doubt what CaTrans' traffic study is going to conclude? Ordinarily when the City reviews a coastal development proposal (which is what…

Caltrans seeking consensus, not approval, from HMB on traffic light

May 26, 2006
I wish that all of the Midcoast residents who are now complaining loudly (quite justifiably I might add) about horrendous traffic congestion, would now take the time to tell their elected representatives (the County Board of Supervisors) that the Supervisors' plan to double the number of housing units on the Midcoast in coming decades is just not acceptable. Midcoast residents should demand that the LCP update hearings be re-opened to public. The voice of ordinary citizens should take precedence…

Caltrans seeking consensus, not approval, from HMB on traffic light

May 26, 2006
"Approval? What approval? We don't need no stinkin' approval. We're CalTrans! Now get out of our way or we'll run you over!"

Letter: Questions for Supervisors Rich Gordon and Jerry Hill

May 24, 2006
Steven Hyman wrote: "I question whether the 2% growth really matters. I don’t think we have ever on the Coast built that many homes. When you look at the number of homes sales for any given year, you’ll see that there really isn’t the strong demand to live here." Steve, I think we can all agree that your profession's views on the issue of growth limits is influenced by the main source of income: selling houses. There is nothing inherently wrong with that of course--it's just the basic nature…

Opinion: Fear of Foothill

May 25, 2006
George Muteff wrote: "in the almost 30 years I've lived here...there have been zero improvements in traffic circulation. Foothill will offer that. The idea that it will cost us 300+ homes is outrageous." George, what about the up-hill passing lanes on Hwy 92 and the upcoming Hwy 92/1/Main project and the upcoming Hwy 1 parallel bike trail project? Those have/will improve traffic circulation. Moreover, traffic has only become a really big problem within HMB City limits in say the last 10-15 years.…

Opinion: Fear of Foothill

May 21, 2006
These arguments appear self-contradictory to me. On the one hand, we're being told that the Foothill/Bayview "bypass" will improve traffic for existing residents and also promote easier coastal access for visitors (as both groups cut through the newly-created neighborhoods that come with the deal). On the other hand, the Foothill/Bayview "bypass" is actually a package deal that comes with two new subdivisions (Beachwood and the super-sized version of Pacific Ridge) which would add hundreds of new…

Caltrans gives HMB a chance to discuss traffic light

May 22, 2006
Brian Dante wrote: "...morning traffic onto SR92 from southbound SR1 (all the way from El Granada) hasn’t been bad since last Wednesday) - at least when I typically hit it between 830am and 9am. Anyone know why? Has the argument about the metering lights become moot for another reason?" I don't know, but I have heard directly from many people who live north of 92 that the two biggest sources of congestion are (1) the inability of El Granada residents to efficiently exit out onto Hwy 1, and (2)…

Caltrans gives HMB a chance to discuss traffic light

May 22, 2006
Leonard: Let's be clear about one thing: CalTrans' installation of a new signal light last weekend with zero advance notice, zero public input, and zero application for a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) from the local authority, was illegal. Pure and simple. As an elected official yourself, I'm sure you would agree that this kind of behavior from a public agency like CalTrans is unconscionable. Traffic lights are kind of hot-button issue on the Coastside these days. Should residents now be worried…

Caltrans gives HMB a chance to discuss traffic light

May 19, 2006
Out of the five schools located on the Coastside there are three (HMBHS, Cunha, and Hatch) located within City limits. In the case of Cunha and Hatch, many of the students live in the Midcoast. Cunha is the only Coastside middle school. Hatch has a spanish immersion program that attracts many students from the Midcoast and even some who live over the hill. (There is a girl in my daughter's class who lives in San Bruno). These non-HMB students must be dropped off in the morning by their parents since…

Caltrans may end “free” right turns onto Hwy 92 for HMB commuters

May 18, 2006
Regarding City Manager Auker's comments: I believe that many of the above posts have seriously misinterpreted her comments. I think she only meant to say that the installation of a new light at the Hwy 92/1 intersection will have a different (but potentially large) impact, depending on where you live, and those impacts should be considered before any final decision is made. Hence it would have been better, to put it mildly, if CalTrans had obeyed the City's laws that mandate the opportunity for public…

Caltrans may end “free” right turns onto Hwy 92 for HMB commuters

May 18, 2006
Barry Parr wrote: "The signal, at the intersection of two state highways, is controlled by the state agency and not the city." Vince Williams wrote: "But, make no mistake, CalTrans is “responsible” for the state highways and the lights on them." Actually, the discussion here is about the installation of a new traffic light, not about who controls an existing light. The installation of a new traffic light constitutes "development" as defined by the City's Local Coastal Program (the local implementation…

Devil’s Slide will be open in late September, says Caltrans

May 15, 2006
robert stegner wrote: "I just spoke to the consumer affairs person for the devil’s slide project, John Cunliffe. He said there is a window to try undo what has been done and seek a more temporary solution in a faster time." Something tells me that the potential liability to CalTrans of settling for a "quickfix"--that might result in somebody's car falling into the ocean before the tunnel is completed--is going to stop that from happening.

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