Comments by Darin Boville
June 29, 2011
Hi Benjamin,
Have you raised enough funds to purchase the rings yet?
If not I will offer to buy one ring per year. In addition, I contacted the manufacturer of the rings (Jim Buoy) and they have offered a discount to us given our circumstance.
Contact me at
[email protected]
March 01, 2011
>>Darin: What odds are you offering for those who want to bet on SAMCAR?
February 28, 2011
>>One’s opinion doesn’t lose its value due to failure to participate in local meetings.>I haven’t seen any evidence that the Board of Supervisors—when considering policy for the Coastside—gives as much weight to the MCC as it does to SAMCAR.
February 27, 2011
>>That simple framework, Ladies and Gentlemen, allows you to understand everything that happens in local and County government.
February 22, 2011
>>However, they made no effort to contact members of the community who had a stake in the decision. Many were unable to attend, including me.
October 19, 2010
>>What exactly is big pave?
October 05, 2010
As has been the case for the past few years, Montara Fog will also film the forums and will publish the results the day after. The videos of the forum, broken down by individual question to make viewing easier, will be available 24/7 online at no charge.
September 11, 2010
It's a lovely house but the text is odd. It says "To minimize costs and carbon footprint..."
This looks to be a large house. I'm guessing two people live there? A large house, no matter how many solar-this and eco-that, is still a large house with an unsustainable cost in resources.
A large, eco-friendly house is a contradiction in terms.
At least it's a good looking contradiction... :)
September 05, 2010
I'm glad there were no serious injuries. The photo may be something of a collector's item in years to come. This is the first Land Rover I've seen on the coast with even the smallest dent or speck of mud on it. That has to be worth something. :) And not to be pedantic, but the caption still has a typo. Land Rover is the company, Range Rover is their sort of luxury model (starting at $80,000), the Discovery was an upscale model for people who didn't want to spend the money on the Range Rover, now…
July 19, 2010
Does anyone have any data either way on this?
A quick google turns up a few studies, all which point to an increased use of alcohol with an increase in license density (along with an increase in violent crime and accidents). However, many of the studies I found were from think tanks, advocacy groups, or were narrow in scope.
But surely this is not a novel issue. What does that data say?
April 30, 2010
>>he coastside and it’s affectionate interaction with the County in it’s finest hour.
April 30, 2010
Kathryn, Great questions to add to this list. It's the largest development on the coast, oe of the most controversial, and as soon as Eggemeyer takes over the information flow shuts off--well, as Sabrina's e-mails show, it shuts off as far as the public is concerned. Apparently the Big Wave folks are being copied on our correspondence! Simply amazing. I guess I could cut them some slack if Eggemeyer was a new guy who was still getting up to speed but he's not--hasn't he been there for something like…
April 25, 2010
Hey Kathryn,
Thanks for the offer--I might take you up on it! The current plan is to send my camera and other gear and have Neil set it up and run the camera, although that might interfere with his MCC duties. If so he'll need help. (I'll be at the fire board meeting with the other camera.)
Once we have footage I'll publish it and break out by question, as before. This format has proven popular and, I hope, useful.
April 25, 2010
I just read today's Doonsbury--perfect timing for our discussion.
Here is a link to Gingrich's GOPAC memo with his list of "Optimistic Governing Words" to describe yourself and his list of "Contrasting Words" with which to attack your opponent.
Note that the "contrasting words" we use on the coast to attack our opponents are much more negative than what is found in Gingrich's list.
Time to reflect?
April 25, 2010
Hey Barry, I don't think I ever said we shouldn't criticize political leaders nor that such criticism is causing those leaders to ignore us. I used the word "vilify" and sometimes I use the word "demonize," not criticize. And I am very much talking about political power. That's the whole point--we are throwing away political power by acting the way we do, treating every moment of opposition as a chance to throw stones. My God, we are acting Tea Party Republicans! Not all local political leaders,…
April 23, 2010
Hi David, Do you think there is any connection between the lack of goodies coming from the county and the county's documented proclivity to "cave in" and "kowtow" to the "wishes of their developer/realtor masters”? Or does this have something to do with the fact that, in terms of San Mateo County leadership, it is "scum and not 'cream rising to the top,' or an example of…
April 16, 2010
>>The County has never called me, nor MWSD to form a team.
April 16, 2010
>>I did see descriptions of their attitudes and comments, but that is not the same a applying a label to someone.
April 16, 2010
>>I understand that you prefer a diplomatic style to opinion letters.
April 16, 2010
>>Where does that come from?
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