Comments by Ken Johnson
September 10, 2010
Isn’t this like the kid who pleaded for mercy because he was an orphan – he had just been convicted of killing his parents!
September 10, 2010
Barry, You make a very nice ‘analytical’ argument – unfortunately, most people make their decisions on behaviour by ‘perception’ or ‘emotion’. People will more likely purchase an item priced at $9.99 than they will purchase the same item priced at $10.01 – it may not pass your analytical analysis but it is reality! BTW, very nice chart – it provides clear evidence that HMB will the most expensive in the area at 10.25%. “Last Rites” will be said on Main Street if passed! Ken
June 06, 2010
There is only one part of Barry editorial I agree with - please vote! Who should vote for and against this measure is a different story. CUSD Teacher Union members should vote for it. Maybe Barry had additional inside information, but if you go to the School District website, here is what you find: May 13, 2010 - PRESS RELEASE "The Cabrillo Unified School District and the Cabrillo Unified Teachers’ Association reached a tentative agreement earlier today on a new two-year agreement. Details of the…
June 06, 2010
Please vote for April Vargas. Whether you live in Half Moon Bay or the unincorporated area, it is in your own self interests to have someone who understands the unique needs of the Coastside on the Board of Supervisors. There are only two routes out of the Coastside. ABAG, Association of Bay Area Governments, projects that the preponderance of new jobs will be to the east - that means route 92. You want someone on the Board of Supervisors who understands the impact that any new housing developments…
January 22, 2010
It would appear that it was Joel Farbstein who had the “intent to deceive the voting public” by taking the quote out of context and omitting the immediately preceding full words - "the presence or lack of" - of the quote: "the presence or lack of intent to deceive the voting public". Thank you Barry for providing the document and link so the public could judge just who is attempting to deceive the public. I was rightfully suspicious when reading Joel's snippet without attribution or link. Mr.…
November 19, 2009
If you are having problem seeing photo:
November 19, 2009
"District completed the middle school “on time and on budget”." HaHaHa - OH, too funny, Barry! "on time"? Depends on which decade and which schedule they are speaking of? "on budget"? They ran out of money before finishing up! "completed"? Maybe I haven't driven past Cunha recently enough! Can't seem to find this on CUSD's web site any longer - The School District apparently lost it! Fortunately, for them, I archived their site;…
November 12, 2009
A year ago, one of the Cunha Intermediate School Counselors, wrote a piece on Coastsider's "townhall" titled "History of Cunha Intermediate School" stating: "We are attempting to put together the history of Cunha Intermediate School. For example, I know we were a K-12 at one point, a high school, and a year round school. But we’d like to get much more detail, including dates when buildings were added and the like. Any ideas where we might find this information?..." After personally cooling off…
November 11, 2009
This certainly gives a different interpretation to the mosaic placed into the cement entryway at the two original buildings at Cunha Intermediate School concerning - "Tolerate Others"!
It might now occur to some that the words "Embrace Diversity" or "Welcome Diversity" or some such might have been a better choice.
Seems the ones now to be "Tolerated" are Anglos!
Ken Johnson
November 03, 2009
What a relief, when I read this about an hour after it was posted - I was concerned that I would have to continue it myself without knowing whether I would be available for the meetings beyond this and the next meeting. Who would want to start something without the knowledge of whether they could continue it beyond two meetings? I showed up a bit early at the first meeting and talked to people at the bar and some of those milling around looking for the meeting. With Francine apparently delayed, my…
October 06, 2009
Thanks for the reminder. Last time we had about 50 teriffic people show up.
Ken Johnson
September 03, 2009
A quick quiz. Raise your hand if you can define the following terms from the letter: "Fund 17", "basic aid" and "revenue limit". Ok, Jonathan put your hand down as that makes two people - two more than on the school board. (As the district is now a "basic aid" district according to Superintendent Gaskill's letter, I just smile as I remember former Superintendent Baseless and a School Board member arguing with me during a Board meeting that they knew the district could NEVER be a "basic aid" district,…
September 01, 2009
Hi Cheri,
I've got an ex who apparently wrote the paper taking the opposite opinion.
September 01, 2009
Terrific and thanks for organizing this. It has been needed for a long time and is particularly needed now!
Ken Johnson
August 14, 2009
Thanks Joel, We agree on Naomi's personal work with the kids, but she is not running for the position of Coach, she is running for a seat on the City Council. I 'voted' for Naomi as Coach with the most important things in my life - my descendants. And my kids dearly loved her. And I would vote for Naomi as Coach again; just not as a City Council member. Naomi's decisions on the City Council, thou, have been a disaster for the programs we both believe are important! I look at my vote and support the…
August 08, 2009
It personally saddens me that Naomi is running again. I had hopped that she would 'retire' gracefully (once again) from City political office with an undefeated personal election record. Naomi has been a personal family friend. Yes, sports, ag., and a number of other things that we agree on. I also found it possible to disagree at the City Council meetings on the things that we did not agree on. The legacy of those things that we disagreed on has been those things that continue to explode like IEDs…
August 08, 2009
Great photo effect to illustrate the caption of the number of people at meeting. I can't detect a 'splice' nor wide angle distortion. Panorama or severe cropping?
July 29, 2009
Ken Johnson
June 24, 2009
Dave Pine offers the solution in Comment # 3: "Voters Approved A County Charter Change Providing For Supervisors To Be Elected By District" (as a future headline for SM County). I do not expect those in County office to be supportive, nor their backers who benefit by the BoS decisions, so, if you embrace the thought, be prepared for a hard fight to get it on the Ballot and forming a coalition with those whom you might not agree on every other issue. Representative Democracy is worth the effort! Well-formed…
June 03, 2009
Reading your posts are like finding half a worm left in an apple from which you have just taken a bite.
Ken Johnson
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