Comments by Ken Johnson
March 29, 2009
Kathryn, municipal bankruptcy not only forestalls a change in structure, but also allows the City to continue to deliver uninterrupted services to the public, protect ownership of public property AND brings the developer back to the bargaining table. All settled law. Municipality Bankruptcy, Chapter 9: "The purpose of chapter 9 is to provide a financially-distressed municipality protection from its creditors while it develops and negotiates a plan for adjusting its debts." "Section 904 limits the…
March 11, 2009
Resolved: only get parking tickets in SF?
Has anyone actually checked out Firefox on the site? It works fine on other parts of County sites.
I primarily use Firefox on Linux, Mac and MS - common interface, security, control, etc. IE only when compelled, primarily on MS developer’s site.
Ken Johnson
March 05, 2009
"Past Performance Is No Guarantee Of Future Results" - the warning in all financial prospectus. I hope this is true, because the City Council Four blew between $1,200,000 and $2,000,000 of our money on the last flawed attempts and got nothing except alienating the people they will again ask for money. The City Council Four seem willing to do anything, to pay whatever the developer asked for, rather than seek a set aside or a reduction in the amount. Municipal Bankruptcy is the only solution I see…
March 05, 2009
NOW is the time to write that "Requiem for the MCC"! The MCC is now set to be controlled, just as all HMB boards are now controlled.
Ken Johnson
March 05, 2009
NOW is the time to write that "Requiem for the MCC"! The MCC is now set to be controlled, just as all HMB boards are now controlled.
Ken Johnson
February 11, 2009
Godwin's law: Corollaries and usage: "It does not apply to discussions directly addressing genocide, propaganda, or other mainstays of the Nazi regime."
Paul Joseph Goebbels: Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.
been on 'net' before most people had heard of it,
Ken Johnson
February 11, 2009
The link explains why Darin's proposal received NO support from ANY SAM Board Member! He should have gotten help from someone who understood marketing and sales. A sad piece of Propaganda, published on 21Jan09, by Darin in the Review. Joseph Goebles would be so proud. The continued, knowing, misuse and disregard of a legal term's true and real meaning and truth expressed clearly by the words, "conflict-of-interest laws", is reprehensible! The repeated use by Darin was attempting to leave the reader…
February 04, 2009
Isn't this just like Darin Boville's repeated assertion of "secret meetings" and never proving it nor offering any substantiantion and ignoring direct questions of his assertion?
There you go - repeating some mantra of “secret meetings” - can you prove this?
Ken Johnson
January 25, 2009
Kathryn, Kathryn, Kathryn: Darin Boville doesn't answer direct questions! Although he 'visited' Coastsider a number of times after your post: January 25, 2009 08:04 PM; January 25, 2009 10:17 PM; etc! He does obfuscate thou. Can you find his answer in his dissertation to Scott? Let me try to summarize Darin's response to Scott: Darin doesn't like the true and real definition of "Conflict of Interest" - so he will just make up his own! Darin wrote: "what I am calling conflict of interest." and never…
January 25, 2009
Bravo: Vince and Darin! "A Dialog On the MCC Future"!
For those trying to follow the 'debate' from the sidelines, try reading Comments 14 thru 18.
For those classically read: "Socratic vs Sophist Debate on the MCC Future" .
Barry, if you want to accomplish your originally stated goal of your series on the MCC, write a one paragraph intro, and copy it to the front page of Coastsider.
Ken Johnson
January 24, 2009
Barry, You have done a nice Requiem series of Editorials on the MCC. Editorial series often conclude with an action item - an 'I suggest doing this'. Time has practically run out: the Board of Supervisors meeting is in Redwood City on Jan 27. The item is scheduled for 10:15 am. in the Board of Supervisors chambers. Back on Coastsider 06-Jan-09 I suggested: Email to BoS Tuesday, 06 January, 2009 16:08 My Email to BoS Tuesday, 06 January, 2009 16:08 . 'Carole Groom'
[email protected] 'Adrienne…
January 24, 2009
Kevin Barron,
Thank you for the nice synopsis of the meeting by speaker. Saves me a painful three hour watch.
On to the reason for visiting this thread.
Ken Johnson
January 24, 2009
Midcoast Colony friends, we all have friends in San Carlos, Redwood City, Atherton, Portola Valley, Woodside, Menlo Park, East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, the Almaden Valley of San Jose, and Stanford University.
Ken Johnson
January 24, 2009
My deepest sympathy to those living in the Midcoast Colony and in particular, those who serve with someone on the MCC who refuses to understand the concept of "Conflict of Interest". To the electorate, consider: if an elected individual will not understand the concept of "Conflict of Interest", can that elected individual well appreciate whether or not a law is violated - or more importantly, whether they are violating a law? Are the BoS attempting to eliminate the wrong person? It is clear Neil…
January 15, 2009
Please, someone with a demonstrable facility in the use of the English language and who attended the meeting, mentally as well as physically, provide a synopsis of the meeting.
Ken Johnson
January 14, 2009
Sometimes the appropriate end of a discussion is to 'Agree to Disagree'.
January 14, 2009
Darin, now, are we finally in agreement that it is irrelevant whether or not a member of the advisory MCC is also a member of another elected body? Any discussion is simply a diversion. Also, we agree "that the Supes don’t take the MCC seriously". "[A]re we confusing cause and effect?" Is that relevant to the selection process and qualifications of a MCC member and should it be? We seem to agree that the Supervisors are using the process of being qualified to serve on the MCC as their process to…
January 13, 2009
Darin, The concept of "Incompatible Office" is, of course, derived from Article. I. Section. 6. Paragraph 2 of the U. S. Constitution - the legislature. Your reference to former President Clinton was governed by Article II and was simply without source for "Incompatible Office". "Incompatible Office", Article. I. Section. 6. Paragraph 2 of the U. S. Constitution and settled law speaks to compensated office holders [Emoluments: Payment for an office]. It does not speak to advisory positions. How YOU…
January 08, 2009
Nice series of Requiem Editorials. As Kevin Lansing points out in another thread, it is about a year late. LAFCo had their review. CUSD voted 5-0 last fall to send to LAFCo a letter endorsing the absorption by CCWD of the other water districts. Supervisor Gordon has the plan to eliminate MCC's voice and replace them with those who couldn't otherwise get elected with CUSD and CCWD Board Member intervention. The boat has sailed in Half Moon Bay. To our northern neighbours: DO something now and stop…
November 04, 2008
Barry Parr deserves far better than my prior comment. To say I regret it is an understatement.
Ken Johnson
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