Album: Pumpkin Festival by Jack Walicki

By on Thu, October 19, 2006

Jack Walicki
Jack Walicki has created an album of his photos from this weekend's Pumpkin Festival. Click to see the album.

Poster: Haunted Hostel in Montara, Saturday Oct 28

Press release

By on Thu, October 19, 2006

I love this poster. Click for a larger version.

Video: HMB City Council meeting

Darin Boville

By on Wed, October 18, 2006

Tuesday, the Half Moon Bay City Council announced the new city manager, continued its discussion of campaign finance reform, and came closer to resolution on the parking permits.  [Link to agenda]

Request for feedback:  We’re still experimenting with production and publication of video from meetings, so you may find that our video reports vary in format and turnaround time. You’re invited to give us feedback on these report by adding comments.

  • Public comment period [Quicktime | Windows Media ]
  • City council member reports [Quicktime | Windows Media]
  • Consent calendar [Quicktime | Windows Media]
  • Discussion of campaign finance limits, including higher limits on contributions and consolidating personal and business contributions.  This discussion was very interesting and worth watching.  [Quicktime | Windows Media]
  • Discussion and vote to limit parking after midnight in Miramar/Naples and Alsace Lorraine neighborhoods. Council member Grady proposed limiting closing Poplar Beach parking after midnight. Council member Patridge explored turning designated open space at 144 Kelly St. into a parking lot. [Quicktime | Windows Media]
  • Short, near content-less finance discussion.  The financial statements were in the council members’ packets.  The city has a little more money than expected. [Quicktime | Windows Media]


Video: Supervisors hold final hearing on LCP update

Darin Boville

By on Wed, October 18, 2006

Tuesday, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors met to consider its update to the Midcoast Local Coastal Program. Coastsider was there, and we’re presenting the complete meeting in three parts.

The Part I [Quicktime | Windows Media] and Part II [Quicktime | Windows Media] are of the public comment period. Many of the speakers focused on the Burnham Strip and upon Big Wave. Each segment lasts about forty minutes.

The third segment is the session where the Board discussed the various issues and heard a presentation from George Bergman [Quicktime | Windows Media]. This segment concludes with the vote.

Pillar Point killer sentenced to 21 years

By on Wed, October 18, 2006

The gang member who fatally shot Carlos Patino of Redwood City man in the Pillar Point RV parking lot April 2004 was sentenced to 21 years in prison Tuesday. He plead no contest to voluntary manslaughter, reports the Daily Journal.

Patino and an unknown number of people believed to be part of the Sureño gang out of Half Moon Bay were at the parking lot of the Pillar Point RV Park and Surfer’s Beach on Cabrillo Highway when they allegedly began fighting with the Norteño gang from Antioch. A verbal argument reportedly escalated to physical fights and bottle throwing before the shooting began. Patino was fatally struck in the head and another acquaintance wounded by the gunfire.

Channel 5 has a report from Bay Cities News.

Photo: Pumpkins and barn at Andreotti’s Farm

By on Wed, October 18, 2006

Deb Wong

Album: Skimboarders in Half Moon Bay

By on Wed, October 18, 2006

Jack Walicki
Jack Walicki writes: "Recently I have been challenging myself to take good shots of skimmers. Over the last few weeks I have assembled a fairly interesting gallery with many of amazing tricks they are able to perform. They even started accepting my presence at the beach, and starting checking the pictures I took, and their parents noticed too. That's probably my biggest pay off." Click on the photo to see the rest of Jack's album.

Rediscovered Orson Welles film comes to HMB Saturday

Coastside Film Society
Click to view a preview of this film.
Press release

By on Wed, October 18, 2006

For many years, Orson Welles’s It’s All True, was one of Hollywood’s legendary lost films. The film was a documentary project Welles began shooting in Brazil in 1942 for the U.S. Government and RKO. It was intended as a tribute to the people of Latin America, a soft-sell propaganda film to promote hemispheric solidarity and counter the threat of fascism. But what Welles found and filmed in Brazil was not what his sponsors had in mind. He shot a radical film dealing sympathetically with the musical culture, the political aspirations, and the economic plight of poor Brazilians, many of whom were black and lived in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

Under pressure from the Brazilian government and alarmed by the racial themes of the film, RKO terminated the production and fired Welles. Despite all of Welles’ efforts to finish the film back in Hollywood over a period of several years, it was taken away from him and partially destroyed.

After 309 cans of footage of It’s All True were discovered in the 1980s, Richard Wilson (Welles’s righthand man in Brazil), Myron Meisel, and Bill Krohn spent years constructing their magnificent documentary feature: It’s All True: Based On An Unfinished Film By Orson Welles. Experience the genius of Orson Welles through his work and through the eyes of the artists with whom he worked.
$6.00 donation
October 20, 2006 at 8:00 PM
Community United Methodist Church Sanctuary
777 Miramontes
(corner of Johnston)
Half Moon Bay
From Main Street in Half Moon Bay turn east on Miramontes to Johnston (just one block)

HMB hires Marcia Raines as city manager

By on Tue, October 17, 2006

Marcia Raines, a resident of Ocean Colony and the current San Mateo County Environmental Services Agency Director, has been hired as the new city manager for Half Moon Bay. The decision was announced at Tuesday’s city council meeting.

Pacifica community shuttle to begin service October 30

Press release

By on Tue, October 17, 2006

The Gold Line Service, the new community shuttle service for Pacifica, will begin service on Monday, October 30th to provide residents in and around the Linda Mar area of Pacifica with enhanced mid-day service. This is the first phase of a two-part community service that is planned for Pacifica residents.

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