Victoria Ortiz is an eighth-grade student at Cunha.
Yes, it’s that time of year again: back to school. The only thing more fun than actually going back to school, is finding out which teachers you have, and what classes. Today, many students entering the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes got their schedules at Cunha Middle School. Things are a little different this year though, so surprises are not just for 6th graders anymore. Cunha is getting new teachers, old ones are leaving, new classes will begin, and some will stop.
I spent the morning interviewing teachers, parents, students, and one pesky gopher, and here’s what you need to know:
Q: Will there be anything different about Cunha this year?
A: Yes. The new 6th graders at school will be going through a skills study program for the first few weeks of school. We’ve created this program to help new students transition to the culture and expectations of middle school. The program will last for the first 3 weeks of school and will include study skills, using schoolloop ( and one-on-one meetings with teachers, staff and counselors. We are very excited about this new program and I’m looking forward to meeting all our new 6th graders. (For a more detailed list of topics that will be covered in the study skills program, click the "read more" link at the bottom of this story and see the end of this story.)
Q: What did you do over the summer?
A: My family went to a lot of softball games with my daughter. Her team qualified for regionals in Las Vegas, and then went on to the nationals in Washington. It was all very exciting.
Student counselor Ms. Weber
Q: What are you looking forward to about this year?
A: I am mostly looking forward to meeting the new 6th graders and seeing old faces. Also, I am looking forward to meeting the new teachers. One of the things I like about working at Cunha is that all the teachers and staff are very close. This year we had to say goodbye to Mr. Tretner, Ms. Phillips, Mrs. Zabo and Mr. Pittenger, however, we are all excited about the new teachers and look forward to working with them this year. They are:
Raj Bechar: 6th grade math, algebra 1-A, and sheltered math.
Craig Bryant: Band
Carlos Iraheta: Special Education
Ken Murray: 6th and 7th grade science
Gerald Schwartz: 6th and 8th grade science.
Q: Will there be any changes at Cunha this year?
A: Yes. One change will be to the English immersion program. In the past ESL (English as a second language) students had two classes daily, a morning before school class and then an afternoon reading/language arts period. Nearly 40% of Cunha’s students speak Spanish, so this year, they will continue the before school class and then integrate with the rest of the school body during the day.
Click the "read more" link for more interviews and lots of pictures.