Comments by Barry Parr

Coastsider endorses Ferreira, Grady, and Skinner

October 21, 2005
Yes, Muteff's complaining about the amount of money the city's spending on lawyers. On his website he says, the city spends a lot on legal fees for the LCP update, asking "'is it defendable', rather than is it right for our town." In other words, he's unhappy that the city council is spending money with lawyers to make sure the LCP update is legal. The alternative is to figure that out down the road in court. And since when are legal and "right for our town" mutually exclusive? I also don't think…

Coastsider endorses Ferreira, Grady, and Skinner

October 21, 2005
Your argument seems to be that the city is in deficit, but they're not spending enough money. I think most of that Ritz money was used to repair some long-neglected streets. "Lawsuits" is a handwaving argument. There's enough money at stake in the development business to sue the city when it's enforcing the law or conducting the people's business, in hopes that they'll just cave. In those cases, is the city at fault? You need to cite specific suits where the suing parties have a righteous cause and…

Coastsider endorses Ferreira, Grady, and Skinner

October 20, 2005
I made the point that Patridge, Muteff, and McClung have not demonstrated that they are better managers or more open than the incumbents or Steve Skinner. They have made an empty claim. Furthermore (and I should have made this more clear) the current City Council has set a high standard in the area of good management. They have accomplished a heck of a lot in the last couple of years, and it's all good stuff, regardless of your stand on growth. The big piece where they have failed to acheive their…

Letter: George Muteff takes his City Council campaign to right-wing radio

October 18, 2005
I think westofeast is asking you to prove this crowd exists, and has any influence. Particuarly in Half Moon Bay, which is the context of this conversation. That wouldn't be name-calling. And let's all try to dial down the anger.

Letter: George Muteff takes his City Council campaign to right-wing radio

October 17, 2005
Are you saying that the current HMB City Council majority are against building anything? It doesn't appear that way to me. Ferreira and Grady have been endorsed by the building trades unions and Wavecrest's management, who, as far as I can tell, like building things on the Coastside.

Letter: Coastal Development Permit complicates building a fire pit on private land

October 10, 2005
Where is this land located and what's your local jurisdiction?

We need a common vision of downtown Half Moon Bay

September 29, 2005
I'm sure the downtown merchants already knew that most stores downtown are being subsidized, but this survey allowed them to quantify it so that the rest of us (me, for example) would understand what they're up against. I agree that lifestyle businesses can be a problem for downtown's economic vitality. You also raise an excellent point about hours of operation. I have also heard (from a merchant) than many store owners are reluctant to stay open late and don't want to schedule events like Nights…

We need a common vision of downtown Half Moon Bay

September 26, 2005
I agree that some bad decisions were made that have damaged downtown. I also know I'm late to the party on this. And I know that fixing this problem is hard. But,(1) the value of downtowns is an accepted value in a way that it was not even a decade ago, (2) downtowns can be and have been revived, (3) there seems to be more agreement that something needs to be done, and (4) I'm not prepared to just throw up my hands and say downtown HMB is doomed and move on to Pacifica. Let's get after the people…

Anonymous benefactor is funding CUSD parcel tax survey

September 22, 2005
Cunha is a big part of the lifeblood of downtown, in ways that a lot of people do not recognize. Abandoning Cunha is a step toward abandoning downtown. I've felt that Cunha is unattractive as a site to some folks because it would be hard to expand the capacity of the school itself at that site. I also think there is a feeling in some quarters that our kids "deserve" a new school, and that some old school isn't good enough. I've heard that sentiment expressed by some prominent Wavecrest supporters.…

Half Moon Bay whale is still dead

August 30, 2005
Still dead, according to usually reliable sources close to the late Generalissimo.

Dead whale now haunts the Ritz

August 27, 2005
W.C. Fields understood that sentiment very well. When asked why he didn't drink water, he replied, "Because fish f*** in it."

HMB’s biggest farmers upset with LCP revision

September 01, 2005
I'm not sure I understand your objection. It appears that the goal remains to keep farm land in agricultural production, which is consistent with the needs you're expressing here -- especially for farmers who must rent their land. Renters are especially subject to displacement by development or by subdivision of working farmland into hobby farms.

County Times reviews the HMB city council candidates

September 09, 2005
Because the story is copyrighted, if the County Times chooses to charge for it, there's not much that we can do.

Half Moon Bay and Wavecrest settle lawsuit

August 01, 2005
Yes. I'm working on it.

Coastsider’s recent comments are now available in every page

July 28, 2005
As in, "Whereever you go, there you are."

Accident on Highway 1 in Moss Beach/Montara kills one, seriously injures another

July 27, 2005
Montara1980: I'd wager there's a lot more traffic on the road than there was in 1980, both locals and tourists. Clearly, driver error played a role here. I wouldn't be so quick to blame the now-dead left-turning driver because we don't know what happened or what we would do under similar circumstances. However, there is clearly a problem with the highway on this stretch. A design that results in deadly errors, even when carelessness or recklessness is involved, is a bad design. Highways must be designed…

Accident on Highway 1 in Moss Beach/Montara kills one, seriously injures another

July 26, 2005
My next-door neighbor shared a piece of practical advice with me last night after he read this article: If you're waiting to turn left, keep your wheels pointed forward until the moment you turn. Don't turn your wheels until you're ready to move. The reasoning is that if you get struck from behind, you will be pushed into oncoming traffic. I haven't been able to verify this tip, but it makes sense.

Thinking of running for office?  The filing deadline is Aug 12

July 22, 2005
I think it's too early to say at this stage. We're not going to have a really clear picture until the deadline, because we won't know what incumbents will run again until then. The couty will start issuing candidate lists as the deadline approaches, and I'll report these as they are released.

Did a developer steal this woman’s camera?

July 15, 2005
I agree these guys probably weren't breaking any law before they stole Barb's camera. Barb's on the edge -- of development and of coastal law as well. It's people like her who are responsible for getting us to think differently about what the law ought to protect. I know that makes people uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable. Once features, such as trees and streams are eradicated, it's impossible to bring them to mind without documentation. Preferably documentation of how they were originally…

Farmers’ opposition holds up coastal trail

July 23, 2005
The Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council sent me a copy of a letter they sent to the Coastal Commission about the trail. Their concerns had to do with collaborative planning, tidepool protection, and traffic. You can download the letter here:

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