Comments by Carl May
October 14, 2009
Whether or not they are contagious, nits are a stage in the life cycle of lice and they are alive. So they could be considered "live lice."
Seems to me the semantics need to be sorted out in the above messages. The whole nit thing has hints of the inappropriate "when does life begin" discussions one hears in the right to life debates.
October 08, 2009
People unaware of the continuous statewide push for access to trails by mechanical and motorized recreation groups should try to attend the annual state trails conference. The politics and special-interest pressure in play help one to understand many of our failures to recognize and protect resources and natural features where trail access is provided by government, the sacrifice of areas of parks and other public lands for developed recreation, and the unnecessary waste of public monies on construction…
September 29, 2009
So, where do they hold the meeting? Half Moon Bay. Reminds me of the supervisors' candidate night in El Granada some years ago when a woman (my hero, but I don't know her name) asked each candidate to say where each of the unincorporated midcoast communities was located. They all blew it badly.
September 28, 2009
"Rich Gordon commented on the MCC’s failure to effectively advocate for the Midcoast community in the HMB Review this week. If effectiveness is measured in terms of how often the board of supervisors does what the MCC recommends, 'then they’re not effective,' Gordon said."
Put another way, if the MCC does not pander to scumbag county politicians acting on behalf of special interests, it is not effective.
September 14, 2009
Vince has an amusing posture of servitude to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors; but this is a problem with anyone who, when their thoughts are distilled, looks upon government officials as rulers rather than public servants. He also grossly mischaracterizes the MCC's former Planning and Zoning Committee. As former members can attest, this committee was much more than a design review committee focussed on the color of back fences. (There is a separate county-dominated design review committee…
September 10, 2009
Each "wave" of compromising newcomers has been willing to give away more of what makes the coastside the coastside. Added to the indigenous greeseeds, the amount and kinds of growth they abide has pushed our ecosystems beyond any chance at overall sustainability. Some eventually absorb information from their situation and take actual stock of the place, which is to say they get away from their artificial urban abstractions and learn about the character of the land and water and how much there is…
September 10, 2009
It is beyond me why anyone should give credence to Vince Williams's notion that we coastsiders should modify ourselves to be more to the liking of a (philosophically, at the very least) sold-out Board of Supervisors with a long and consistent history of ignorant and destructive behavior when it comes to the coastside. Vince wasn't even around for most of what I referred to in my previous message, so it would be interesting to know what, in his short-term view, is revisionist about it. This has little…
September 09, 2009
The only "credibility" one gets with current San Mateo County politicians and bureaucrats comes through kowtowing to their coastside-mauling desires and sucking up to them. Darin needs to learn why and how the MCC was created in the first place, how it operated to represent most citizens of the midcoast for many years, and who populated the council. Yes, its advice on many vital local matters was ignored by the special-interest-serving county Board of Supervisors, but the advice was, in most cases,…
September 08, 2009
Here's the underlying problem: the MCC is an advisory body to another entity, the Board of Supervisors, that doesn't pay attention to the advice unless it meets with the BOS's predetermined desires. Until the MCC gets some distinct authority over something, it stands as a local political wiffle ball, relevant only when it kowtows to the county. This is now even moreso, as Gordon got the BOS to constrict eligibility for the MCC in order to eliminate some of our best qualified, most willing to work,…
September 03, 2009
Still no official closure list as of 9/2--just more of the political game in which state parks, with their comparatively piddly costs, are being used as pawns. For many years there has been a combine of anti-park politicians and corporate interests that wishes to exploit park resources--logging, mining, water, etc.--or sell them off outright to the private sector--imagine the property value of some of the coastal parks. These are the people who boost the idea that parks should pay for themselves…
August 26, 2009
My caution is not against Steve's idea but against calling projects or activities "sustainable" when they clearly aren't. Like the pop word "green," a lot is given the semantic mantle of sustainability when it has little to do with anything that can be supported and continue indefinitely. Hereabouts, the county's "sustainability" program is particularly galling in its political/governmental misuse and misdirection. Being honest about employing genuine sustainability as a feature of all sorts of proposals…
August 25, 2009
Thanks, Steve, for the links pointing out efforts that use the in-vogue term but avoid the meaning of "sustainable."
August 24, 2009
Step 1: learn what "sustainable" means.
August 14, 2009
Yeah, the bozo and those telling him what to do are so easy to knock, it is almost cruel to actually do it. Teflon doesn't protect like it used to for people in state office; but the next round of politicians running on name recognition and platitudes can depend on California's voters to be just as superficial on election day.
The state's recurring budget mess should be a lesson that charities built to be sustainable with local support will have fewer worries.
August 14, 2009
Option is up to Leonard. Take it for what it is.
August 13, 2009
Leonard has been elected enough times and has served on the GSD long enough to know what he is doing and will be doing going forward.
August 07, 2009
"And past mistakes with natural resources makes our state sustain a human population of the size it once could."
Sorry, the above sentence should be:
"And past mistakes with natural resources makes our state *unable to* sustain a human population of the size it once could."
August 07, 2009
I fail to see how a fractured account of political party weirdness, no matter what the parties involved, adds anything to my notion that the state government of California is, in general, unfit to serve as an arbiter in cleaning up local politics. Sacramento is a source of irrationality and difficulties for localities, the repeated withdrawal of tax monies from local governments in recent decades playing a big role in this. Make two columns on a piece of paper. On one side list the problems the state…
August 07, 2009
The MWSD and the GSD can serve their communities by simply not issuing permits for resources or infrastructure capacity that does not exist. That way the land will not be overdeveloped. It is the county that should take responsibility for any development depending on wells, as the county is the permitting agency. Anyone purchasing a home on a well in an area with unproven sustainable groundwater resources should understand the risk they are taking. I do not agree with any effort to bring development…
August 07, 2009
"Discing, harvesting, mowing, its all the same." More of the philosophy that if you don't know anything about a subject, you can say whatever you wish. "The state in the future will not underwrite parks for the right reasons or much else if they don’t clean up their local politics!" Since I have lived on the coastside, an image of a bag filled with settling pond scum would have served as HMB's logo for all but a few years. But to suggest that the state will be, or even could be, an arbiter of what…
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