Comments by Ken Johnson
April 07, 2008
Kevin, When I first clicked on the cartoon referenced by Vince, I was inspired to re-do the City seal. During a misspent education, we translated many 'common use phrases' to Latin - our instructor was not amused. I also had a picture in mind for the centre of a new [u]City seal.[/u] Discretion won out - even without a change to the centre, reaching an easy translation of the Latin 'Asinus' would probably be a too rapid giveaway. Presumably, without evidence to the contrary, the City has complied…
April 07, 2008
Barry, The linked article is a very worthwhile read. I would disagree although about "you’re unlikely to see anyone persuaded". In my professional life as well as our little world on the coastside, I have 'proven' the contrary. Professionally, I never entered an organization which was number one - my job was to make it number one. As an individual performer or as a manager, I characterized each part of the organization: Sales - taking NO as a request for more information. Marketing - provide…
April 05, 2008
What do you think about accuracy - The Review wrote "According to the settlement agreement, if the city is unable to allow Keenan to develop the Beachwood property, it must pay him $18 million plus interest." I wrote: "The 'drop dead' date then becomes 31 December 2011 when $18 mill (without interest) is due". You can read the settlement agreement Page 4, P C(3) (a). Is there a significant difference between the two quotes? Is it important? Is either, neither or both accurate? Is the difference between…
April 03, 2008
Vince, 'Foothill Blvd' would have ZERO positive impact for traffic, except for those using it as immediate access to the newly created housing. I would have preferred that the appeal had gone forward, but OHRS has done a nice job in preserving some options. As I read the Agreement last night, the Net Present Value is potentially significantly less than $18 mil. The City has roughly a year, 30 June 2009, to complete actions at a local and State level to enable development. There is roughly a two and…
April 03, 2008
$18 million + 6% Interest till paid.
Ken Johnson
April 02, 2008
The City Council, they approved the original discretionary VTM. My recollection is of a current relevant commonality.
Sorry I didn't make that clear.
Ken Johnson
April 02, 2008
You forgot: "Ooh, baby, you are so talented! And they are so DUMB! " - from the next scene -
Doesn't anyone remember who approved the original discretionary VTM, creating the liability for the City?
Ken Johnson
P.S. Back to the effort of dating whether the recession began in the 3rd or 4th quarter last year and head scratching over Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke warning to Congress: "a recession is possible."
March 31, 2008
I believe that Carole Migden is your State Senator who is a member of the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee which has Hearing Set for April 8th at 9:30 A.M. on SB 1295.
Of course, she is awfully busy with the June 2008 State Senate primary right around the corner.
Stop SB 1295!
Ken Johnson
March 29, 2008
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion - no one is entitled to their own facts"! Greg, when Kevin Lansing and Carl May clearly refuted factually your spurious claims, that can hardly be called "nit-pick me to death" by anyone reasonable! You wrote repeatedly, "I have seen it done", but clearly 'saw' nothing and when asked to substantiate, responded only with further unsubstantiated innuendo. George Muteff wrote, "With regard to coastal commission staff generated appeals, look no further than…
March 27, 2008
Great concept Greg: you deserve the justice that you are able to purchase - is that what you are asserting, Greg? Greg wrote: [quote] "I disagree Ken. I feel that if someone has an issue with a Project, they should be willing to put their money where there feelings are. " [/quote] [quote] "As to having a staffer decide which appeals deserve attention, with pre-signed forms, give me a break. That is the surest way for the system to be abused, and I have seen it done. " [/quote] Greg, [u]please support…
March 26, 2008
It is not too late to express your opposition to SB 1295! But hurry; Hearing Set for April 8th at 9:30 A.M. To repeat, from the initial post, “it is always best if you use your own words." When the public must pay for appeals locally, then the public’s right to redress is limited or denied. That a short time limit is imposed locally, those who do not watch vigilantly, constantly in fear of local government obfuscating action, their redress is denied. SB 1295 is the legal profession full…
March 02, 2008
Thought the guy in the foreground had been Comcasted waiting for an ack on a distro broadcast.
With the current makeup of the FCC commissioners, I am not too hopeful that they will make a decision in the public interest. Nor is it surprising that the "FCC will take no official action against Comcast over the held seats". It will probably take congressional action to undo their upcoming decisions; if then - sigh.
Ken Johnson
February 09, 2008
Cheri, Thanks, terrific photo journalism. The photo with the firemen in the foreground, looking at the fire ready to engulf the tree and most importantly the power lines, explained that the power would be out for the next five plus hours here. I told people Friday that they could get the whole story on Coastsider. Not much of a choice, news you can use on Coastsider.Com or wait 15 hours for a partial verbal history on The Review's web site. News you can use, versus a partial history - I guess you…
January 31, 2008
A willing seller, to a willing buyer, and generations in the future will benefit from this acquisition - wonderful and congratulations to all who helped make this happen! Isn't it interesting that the $13.5 million selling price for the property is less than that lost by all of us payers in CUSD who have been paying off the CUSD Measure K $35 million bonds since 1996 -waiting for a new middle school! Remember the 2003 fight over the City of Half Moon Bay “Build Our School Now†Initiative…
January 27, 2008
Thanks for the link demonstrating that the Review is still useless for factual information! I'll have to trust you that Editor Clay Lambert eventually corrected his errors. I started to look for the correction you referenced, but the thread immediately descended into their little swamp. Doesn't seem to be any situation beyond which the cynical PCF-CCF folks won't pitifully try to create a political situation to advance their sad agenda.
Ken Johnson
November 30, 2007
Kevin, The irony and true issue, to your question, is who voted for the VTM that provided the asserted liability and whether they will also vote as to whether the judgment shall be appealed. You are correct, as I recall. At the time, I argued the VTM decision was discressionary and not ministerial; and should be denied. My recollection is that today’s Mayor Naomi Patridge voted then for the VTM. That given, I am not willing at this time to forejudge what Mayor Naomi Patridge actions will be…
November 30, 2007
CUSD next? They should request the last three contracts for CUSD Superintendent which are public records. The general public would find it most informative and might ask the question whether the School Board has a clue about the Brown Act!
Ken Johnson
November 29, 2007
Kevin, I agree and welcome to my world! Whether it is violations of the Coastal Act or CUSD ineffectiveness, the end result is a lesser life for our children. Hopefully those who just vent will find a constructive use of their time: reading, OMG, the Yamagiwa decision or actually looking into the discrepancies between the PR from our CUSD School Board and the facts! OTOH, we then get 'newbies' who don't understand the use of Google, Wikipedia or W3c. Ken Johnson P. S, Barry, did you try the advertising…
November 28, 2007
Over The Air (OTA) is Broadcast: see my prior two links above for full discussion.
Ken Johnson
November 28, 2007
Anneliese, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) and Over The Air (OTA) have been available options on the coastside for decades. DirecTV is an example of a DBS available. Earlier this evening, at 2030, I was watching, OTA, Charlie Rose's interview of Sen. John McCain on 9.3 (9.3 KQEDW) then switched at 2130 to KBCW 44.1 (44.1 KBCWD) "Reaper" - not necessarily a political commentary. OTA offers the HDTV 'fanatic' the best possible picture and sound qualilty - AND OTA is free! From a discussion on the…
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