Comments by Ken Johnson
July 10, 2008
Jonathan, Excellent article. Under NCLB, 36 more children at Cunha could read Coastsider last year than they would have without NCLB. When NCLB started in 2002 3.5% of English Learners could meet minimum State NCLB standards. Last year it rose to 19.3%. Last year there were 228 ELL students at Cunha. All but a hand full began at CUSD in Kindergarten. Also 38 more of them, with the improvement in math scores, could have done the math. Interestingly, Anglo scores also went up from 63.4% at State minimum…
July 03, 2008
Yes Paul,
Charlie Gardner has an 'agenda' - do to MWSD what he accomplished at CUSD.
He has been on the School Board for Four years - look at what he has accomplished! In our county, only East Palo Alto looks this bad! Look at the "PI Status" column. Not good!
Ken Johnson
July 02, 2008
Charlie Gardner,
You are good at asking questions and making unsupported claims - you are not very reliable at answering questions and accountability. Just incase you honestly missed it: please see
Tunnel project yields a lot less water than hoped for . Thank you.
Ken Johnson
July 02, 2008
I love our community fireworks display, picnics, parades, etc. It is also a celebration of America's 232nd birthday! Independence Day (Fourth of July) commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Those 56 signatures on the Declaration knew that they were signing their Death Warrants should they not have been successful. Difficult to imagine their courage? How about taking five minutes out: Read it: an amazingly short read.…
July 02, 2008
Mark 12:31 “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.†Romans 15:2 “Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification.†[King James Version] As a CCWD victim - rate payor, I appreciate a factual look at the present and a projection to a future drought effect on us. I have lived on the coastside through three or four droughts and it is not pleasant or cheap. The use of reclaimed water was put into HMB's LCP/LUP 30 years ago as to replace the golf course use…
July 01, 2008
There appears to be a bit of a discrepancy: Charlie Gardner wrote: "The current yield of dewatering from the tunnel is in the range of 25-50 gallons per minute." Is it possible that Charlie Gardner is not correct even about something like this? Charlie Gardner claims he has some type of project responsibility in the tunnel construction. If Charlie Gardner doesn't have a good explanation - do you think we should depend on the tunnel project any more than anything else he has meddled in on the Coastside!…
June 30, 2008
"Charlie, you have not addressed the fact that we can either shift the property tax money now and raise rates or lose the property tax money and raise rates. I’m still waiting to hear a cogent argument for not doing the shift."
Before Charlie hijacked the topic, I had hoped to read a discussion of achieving local recreation funding that might benefit all - especially the children!
Ken Johnson
June 28, 2008
AB 1991, as amended, "The bill would provide that the approved tentative maps confer a vested right" - translation = it creates lots with rights to build house! The Settlement Agreement describes Beachwood as APN-048-280-020 and Glencree as APN-048-280-030 - translation = Beachwood and Glencree are each currently undivided single pieces of property, raw land. It is currently zoned for Residential; prior: Agriculture; prior: part of ranch; prior: part of a land-grant; prior: roamed by Oholone Indians…
June 28, 2008
'The Heretic wants to destroy the oasis of a rare Creation across from a Church where God's gift of Creation is worshiped! Should we smite this evil, this Steven Hyman?' Steven Hyman's mantra is that of the moneychangers in the temple: "a field of weeds by a sewer plant and McDonalds". He sees not the Church that is much closer! I walk along the beach and marvel! Does Steven Hyman look from his car at 50 MPH and see only the possibility of oil drilling platforms and houses built from the beach to…
June 27, 2008
Charlie Gardner wrote that "current yield of dewatering from the tunnel is in the range of 25-50 gallons per minute." For comparison purposes, to see how many house it would support, what is the current yield for a residential well?
Ken Johnson
June 27, 2008
You just can't make this up -- last night the four CUSD Board members who voted to Support AB 1991 at the previous meeting, now see a Parcel Tax as needed. Charlie Gardner, in campaign mode, and Jolanda Schreurs joined her protégé in proclaiming the need for a Parcel Tax in the conclusion of passing next years School District budget. The dynamic duo, who wrote in support of AB 1991 - Charlie on Coastsider and Jolanda on the Review - were seemingly oblivious to the divisiveness of their rhetoric.…
June 27, 2008
An excellent editorial, a worthwhile read and a perceptive statement of not just the facts but a projection of the self inflicted wounds by the City Council Majority into the future. It also shows the weakness of overuse or abuse of 'closed sessions'.
Ken Johnson
June 27, 2008
Steven Hyman, I agree with your statement that it "will end up as a lasting memorial to incompetent government "! We disagree on who make up the members of that "incompetent government"! The "previous administration", as you refer to them, won their appeal of a bad initial court decision. The current City Council Majority blew their case and then threw in the towel provided by Mr. Keenan instead of pursuing a viable appeal - costing us $18,000,000 plus the cost of trying to push AB 1991 now into…
June 27, 2008
Leonard, Charlie Gardner squanders OPM - Other Peoples Money: Wavecrest New Middle School! Supports wrong headed agendas: AB 1991 and Foothill STREET. Remember PCF-CCF or whatever the laughing stock is called? If he is for it - it must be wrong!
Ken Johnson
June 25, 2008
Offical: "Withdrawn from committee[L.GOV.]. Re-referred to Com. on RLS."
June 19, 2008
Joel Farbstein, Thank you for making my point! At the Board meeting, I requested that they 'table' the item, rather than voting for or against support of AB 1991. It is obviously a 'divisive' item and that taking a position, as a School District, was not in the best interest of CUSD. Only George Muteff and I spoke to the item from the public. Since you chose not to attend, maybe you could elaborate why you think it was in the School District's best interest to vote to support AB 1991. It does appear…
June 18, 2008
Fair question and point: 'watched' and 'trusted' News: BBC, Bloomberg, PBS
June 18, 2008
Fox? News?????
June 15, 2008
Steven Hyman, I don't hear a sell out of the environment as popular! I hear of recalling some of the City Council Majority. But I usually talk to intelligent people. But most important: YOU wrote: "Its getting so hard knowing who to believe these days. There’s the Truth Squad, liars of the Coastal Commission and our own home grown Chicken Little crowd." Seems to be a clear statement of YOUR opinion! Jonathan Lundell wrote: "Come on, Steve, show a little personal initiative and name one specific…
June 14, 2008
Poor Steven Hyman, Have the 'meds' kicked in yet? Let them kick in. Now, seems there were 5 different people in a row who all questioned you on the same thing on the thread you would like to ignore. YOU wrote: "Its getting so hard knowing who to believe these days. There’s the Truth Squad, liars of the Coastal Commission and our own home grown Chicken Little crowd." Seems to be a clear statement of YOUR opinion! Jonathan Lundell wrote: "Come on, Steve, show a little personal initiative and…
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