MCTV source documents available from Coastsider

We’ve been referring to a lot of source documents in our MCTV coverage. We’ve uploaded them all and linked to them individually in case you need to look something up. We’re including a list of MCTV’s directors, which is something we get asked for from time to time.
MCTV Bylaws
- MCTV bylaws 1985(?) to 2008
- MCTV bylaws 2008 to 2009: revised without sending list of changes to MCTV members to eliminate independent board seats, lower barriers to conflicts of interest by board members, and potentially other unknown changes. Does not show differences from previous bylaws.
- MCTV bylaws 2009: eliminated members ownership and made MCTV board self-appointing and shows differences from 2008 bylaws.
- Protest letter and timeline of 2008 MCTV board election
- MCTV’s letter to members explaining why it eliminated member ownership in 2009
MCTV tax filings (IRS Form 990)
- MCTV Budget analysis by Coastsider.
- MCTV Salary Survey by Coastsider
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- Guidestar: Download Forms 990 for MCTV and other nonprofits
MCTV agreements
Grand Jury Report
- Grand Jury report on MCTV
- Grand Jury report attachments: All these documents are linked individually from this page, but this is included for the record. 74MB .doc file. Not available online from Grand Jury. Includes original MCTV bylaws, MCTV county charter, MCTV agreement with Half Moon Bay, MCTV 2007 Form 990, MCTV 2009 Bylaws (redline of 2008 bylaws).
- MCTV Letter in response to MCTV report
- Barry Parr’s correction of MCTV’s response
MCTV Board of Directors
- Constance Malach, President, El Granada
- Michael Day, Vice President/Secretary, El Granada
- Whitney Brooks, Director, Pacifica
- Gina Holmes, Director, El Granada
- Chris Madison, Director, El Granada
- Rich Pierceall, Director, Moss Beach
- Jack Prejza, Director, Half Moon Bay