Seton Medical Center Coastside blood drive, Thursday


By on Tue, June 9, 2009

Seton’s holding a blood drive at a bloodmobile in our parking lot, from 2 to 6pm Thursday, June 11. As we enter into the summer months, our blood supply diminishes as donations decrease and usage increases. We also need to be prepared to serve our community in the case of health crises like the recent H1N1 outbreak.
Click to schedule a life-saving appointment for this event.

Cheryl Sinclair
Seton Coastside

Photo: Sea lion pup on Dunes Beach

Barry Parr

By on Sun, June 7, 2009

We spotted this sea lion pup on Friday afternoon at Dunes Beach.  The Marine Mammal Center picked up a pup at Dunes Beach on Saturday.  The MMC is being "inundated" with calls right now, with 10 to 12 individuals reported per day and three to five deaths a day.  "We’re experiencing the remnants of an El Niño year. The resources are shifting and little sea lions don’t shift well with the resources", the Center says. The phone was ringing every couple of minutes while we talked to the folks at the MMC on Sunday.

The usual procedure is to allow seal lions to rest 24 hours on the beach before rescuing them. After that, they will be rescued, fed, and examined by a vet before release. 

Seal lions are born around mid-June and weaned after nine months, so this pup no longer needed to be with its mother.

If you see a sea lion in distress, contact the Marine Mammal Center at (415) 289-SEAL.

Letter: Hiking / beaching / pubbing / whatevering group MeetUp, June 13


By on Sun, June 7, 2009

Let’s get doing whatever.

There’s a new group on meetup for hiking, beaching, walking, whatevering in Half Moon Bay. See ... and attend our first event next Saturday at 4.

Come one and all for this Friday’sSaturday’s hiking, walking, beaching and possibly pubbing, in the Princeton Harbor in Half Moon Bay event!

The Princeton/Pillar Point Harbor is about 5 miles North of Half Moon Bay, and a little more South from Pacifica. We can check out the beach at Mavericks if you like.

The plan? It’s pretty open: Let’s just get out there and see if we can catch a sunset. If there’s interest, we can walk over to the pub where a coastal rock band will be playing. There are outdoor fire pits and a real friendly crowd.

Try it out. Please RSVP early. We’ll see you there!

Kate Haley

Letter: Hear ye, hear ye, C-Pals annual Spring Ball at HMB community center

P. A. Chimienti
P. A. Chimienti
P. A. Chimienti

By on Sun, June 7, 2009

The annual Spring Ball was held at the Community Center in Half Moon Bay, CA on Saturday June 6,2009.  The theme of this year’s gala event was "Camelot" and all the guests were in costume of the period. 

There were Kings, Queens, Princesses, Knights, wizards and let us not forget the Court Jester!  There were even Nordic invaders come to party hardy! 

Visit our Facebook page for photos of the gala ball.  So have a look and enjoy the day as well all did!  Oh a special thanks to all the volunteers and Debby Lesser, Mary Lou Williams, and Isela martinez for putting on such a fun event.     

P. A. Chimienti

Photos: HMB High marching band at Holy Ghost Parade

Joe Toschik
Joe Toschik writes: "The Half Moon Bay High School band was the hands-down favorite at the parade. What a delight!"
Joe Toschik
Joe Toschik

By on Sat, June 6, 2009

San Mateo Surfrider and Oceanhealth.Org celebrate World Oceans Day, Monday

Press release

By on Fri, June 5, 2009 and Surfrider San Mateowill celebrate World Ocean Day,  Monday, June 8, at the Point Montara Lighthouse ( 16th St. & Cabrillo Hwy, Montara) by screening a variety of short ocean films. We hope you will join us in this great location to share our love and respect of the oceans. The event is free, but an $8 donation for World Oceans Day appreciated. Your donation will help support local ocean nonprofits.

Reception: 6:30-7pm
Films: 7-8:30pm
Discussion: 8:30-9pm

RSVP: Please RSVP by email to as there is a 50 person maximum for this event.

For More Information:
Ellen Gartside,
Surfrider San Mateo Chapter  
World Ocean Day Event Coordinator,

Eli Saddler
Ocean Health is Our Health

Bill Mott,
The Ocean Project,

Letter: CCP summer programs include Spanish immersion


By on Fri, June 5, 2009

NEW this summer is Coastside Childrens’ Program’s 6-week "Buena Vida Spanish Immersion Camp" where campers will speak in conversational Spanish with professional, bilingual staff.

Each week highlights a different country (Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Spain, El Salvador, Venezuela), and will include books, crafts, songs and special presenters.

"CCP’s Buena Vida Spanish Immersion" camp runs M-F, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM, June 22 to July 31 at CCP Hatch Elementary School.
Cost is $210 per week.

Visit to register or call Mayra at 712-7415.
Also, CCP Montara (728-7419 located at Farallone View Elementary School) and CCP Half Moon Bay (726-7412 located at Hatch Elementary School) are hosting our 10-week "Fog City Summer Camp" – this will be a blast for kids ages 5-12.

Weekly themes include ‘Science behind Magic,’ ‘What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’,’ ‘Let’s Have a Party,’ ‘Sports Freak’ and more. There will be art, music, sports, field trips and special guests!

"Fog City" runs M-F, 7 AM to 6 PM, June 15 to August 19.
Taara Hoffman
Executive Director
Coastside Children’s Programs
494 Miramontes Avenue
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
650.726.5691 phone
650.726.5660 fax

Letter: Coastside Children’s Programs preschool opens in Montara

By on Fri, June 5, 2009

Coastside Childrens’ Programs Preschool in Montara (at the Farallone View Elementary School campus in our CCP building) opened June 1.
Over the years we’ve received interest about a preschool in that area (as you know, we have our current preschool in HMB at the Community United Methodist Church – unaffiliated with the Church).
We got to work and were successful in securing funding from the SmartKids Preschool Expansion Fund. We also got some facility rehabilitation funding from CDBG (community development block grant from San Mateo County).
So, we now have a new preschool classroom on the site of CCP Montara as well as a wonderful new preschool playground – complete with sandbox, climbing structure and tricycle path!

Letter: Coastside Farmers Market field notes


By on Fri, June 5, 2009

Do you feel lucky, Marketeers? Do you? 

I have always known that I live in a somewhat rarified air, having the good fortune to be born in this area, schooled here, left for a while and saw other parts of the world and county, and knew what I was coming back to, and for.  We live in a achingly beautiful place where good food grows, and if you are motivated, diligent and lucky,  you can grow or catch food of some sort all year round on this part of the Coast. Not a lot at times, mind you, but it can be done.  You’d have to really work at it to feed your family all year from just your own garden, but we have some extremely talented Fisheries and Agricultural Professionals in the area, and they are making the idea of the In-County Diet an imaginable thing to try.  I have enjoyed a number of books that detail various people’s attempts at mileage limited diets, and to tell you the real truth, I am not sure I am cut out for a life without coffee, which is what it all boils down to for me, pun absolutely intended. I am just not that enamored with deprivation therapy.  I have already given up most all my vices - some entirely unintentionally, but they are gone none-the-less-  and so I am reluctant to do without the last of my personal Mohicans ( or in my case, Wiyot, but that’s another story). 

So , I drink a lot of coffee, most of it roasted at the Half Moon Bay Airport, eat plenty of berries to offset all the free-radicals I produce ( or am related to) , and get as much of my food from as close to home as I can get it, and that, Marketeers is where we all luck out.

Midcoast traffic and trails workshops, June 25 to 30


By on Wed, June 3, 2009

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