“What’s Up in the Universe?” in HMB, Saturday, May 12

Press release

By on Wed, May 9, 2007

What’s Up in the Universe is a new documentary film by local artist and filmmaker Susan Friedman.  Soon to be shown by PBS, the film reveals the majesty and magnificence of the cosmos in a breath-taking visual journey of exploration. It will be hosted by The Visionary Edge in Half Moon Bay, Saturday, May 12, 2007.  Ms. Friedman will be present to discuss the film-making process and answer questions.

The universe is big, very big; it’s also old, very old. And, in a strange way, it’s our home. We belong here. But are we alone or do we share this awesome universe with other intelligent beings? In this new documentary, Half Moon Bay filmmaker Susan Friedman, from Studio on the Mountain, explores age-old questions about the place of humans in the cosmos. Focusing on our own planetary "hood"—the solar system—the film highlights similarities between Earth and our neighboring planets. How are we related to the various celestial bodies orbiting our sun?

What’s Up in the Universe?, followed by discussion with the filmmaker, will be screened at The Depot (by the Johnson House) at 110 Higgins Purissima Road, Half Moon Bay. Doors open 7:00 pm; film at 7:30 pm, Saturday, May 12. Advance tickets $10, door $15. Call 650-560-0200.

Located in Half Moon Bay, The Visionary Edge is a transformative arts, events, and media venture committed to inspiring millions—via the creativity and potency of films, music, and story—to create a wiser, more sustainable and compassionate world.

Letter: Greenwaste pickup has changed in Montara & Moss Beach

Letter to the Editor

By on Tue, May 8, 2007

As I drive around Moss Beach & Montara, I notice trash cans full of leaves and brances everwhere.  People have obviously not caught on to the changes Seacoast Disposal has made to the the Greenwaste schedule. 

Greenwaste pickup was suspended for a few weeks. Starting the week of May 14th Greenwaste pickup will be twice a month—ON THE SAME DAY AS YOUR TRASH PICKUP. Goodbye Tuesday greenwaste pickup! A new schedule calendar is posted at: www.coastsidescavenger.com/images/schedule1.jpg

Find out about Cub Scouts at informational meeting May 17 at Farallone View

By on Tue, May 8, 2007

I think one of the best things I ever did participate in Cub Scouts with our son, Alex.  One highlight was the pack’s annual sleepover on the World War II submarine Pompanito [Coastsider Gallery].

For over 75 years, Cub Scouts have been having fun, with a purpose.  Our Montara Pack 255 has been in continuous operation for over 50 years, and is a group of good-hearted and dedicated parents, and energetic and respectful boys.
In twelve (or fewer) years, our boys will be adults.  These years are critical in determining what kind of adults they will become.  With your help, Cub Scouting will help your boy become a man who is honest and good—the kind of person that other people would like to be.  And you and your boy will have a LOT of fun along the way!  It’s a family affair.  Both moms and dads are always welcome to all events, and siblings can attend and participate in most events, too.
Boys entering 1st through 5th grades next September are welcome to visit the May 17 meeting, at 7 PM at Farallone View School.  For more information, call John Cutter 728-0854 or [email protected].

Photos: California red-legged frog in Montara

Chuck Kozak
Chuck Kozak encountered this most accommodating California red-legged frog -- slightly smaller than medium sized -- on Saturday in Montara Creek during the "Snapshot day" water quality sampling.
Chuck Kozak
Chuck Kozak

By on Sun, May 6, 2007

Casino night benefits American Legion Fireworks Friday night

Press release

By on Sun, May 6, 2007

Casino night benefits American Legion Fireworks Friday night

American Legion Post 474 is producing a fireworks show for the Fourth of July this year. This Friday, the Legion will hold a casino night as their first big fundraiser.  The event, including a Western BBQ dinner and entertainment, costs $30 per person and will be held from 6 to 9pm.

Friday, May 11 6-9 PM
Tickets $30
The Long Branch Saloon & Farms
321 Verde Road [Google map]
Half Moon Bay
For ticket info: (650) 400-7040, (650) 726-7403 Advance tickets recommended.

DISCLOSURE: Coastsider is a media sponsor of the American Legion fireworks show.

Video: Half Moon Bay City Council, May 1

By on Sat, May 5, 2007

This week's meeting was a little mixed up. A couple of agenda items were moved to the front, several consent calendar items were moved to the regular agenda, and one scheduled item was continued to the next meeting. Item #9 (New house at 684 Terrace Ave, Gale) was continued to next meeting on May 15.

  • Meeting opening, announcements, and Coastside Community Schools Partnership (Item #11 on agenda was moved to front after proclamations).  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Oral Communications  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Council Reports, and Staff Reports. Council announces hiring of Dan O'Keefe as Chief of Police.  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Consent Calendar and Human Services Funding (Item #4 Administrative CDP's, #5 Consulting Agreement, #7 Ailanto Agreement were taken off consent calendar and discussed individually).  width= | Quicktime | Flash | Docs |
  • Administrative CDP's  width= | Quicktime | Flash | Docs |
  • Consulting Agreement for Biological Assessment, Traffic Analysis, Noise and Air Quality Analysis  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Ailanto settlement agreement discussion  width= | Quicktime | Flash |
  • Report from Closed session on labor negotiations and Yamagiwa (Beechwood) lawsuit  width= | Quicktime | Flash |

Tryouts for HMB Jr. Lifeguard Program are May 20

Press release

By on Sat, May 5, 2007

Tryouts for the popular Junior Lifeguard Program at Half Moon Bay State Beach are May 20, from 10am to 1pm at Half Moon Bay High School pool.  The Junior Lifeguard program is a unique and challenging aquatic program for young people ages 8 – 16, its primary goals are to promote ocean safety and environmental awareness. 

This active program, run by California State Park Lifeguards, emphasizes team work, fun, and ocean safety.  Participants enjoy daily activities which familiarize them with the beach and ocean environment. They are challenged to become more physically fit and to learn about the ocean. Along the way, they build respect for the water, themselves, and each other. 

Highlights last season included a ride on the Pillar Point Harbor Patrol Rescue Boat, visits from the Marine Mammal Rescue Center, the Half Moon Bay Fire Department, mock rescues on Personal Water Craft, a trip to Ano Nuevo State Reserve, and lots of time in the water.  This year should be better than ever with some great new ideas for field trips and guest teachers. 

The Junior Lifeguards’ team-building philosophy is perfect for learning about ocean safety.  The program consists of 4 week sessions, and provides instruction in first aid, CPR, ocean safety, rescue techniques, surfing and bodyboarding.  This summer two Junior Lifeguard sessions are scheduled Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Half Moon Bay State Beach.

  • June 18 – July 13
  • July 23 – August 17

For more information, visit http://www.scsla.org/guards/hmb.html call (650) 726-8806, or e-mail [email protected].

Coastside Mothers help other moms in need

Cheri Parr
Corrine Bucher, President of the Coastside Mothers' Club; Kristen O'Brien, Fundraising Coordinator; Christy Conklin Community Connection Coordinator and son William (6 months)
Cheri Parr

By on Fri, May 4, 2007

There is an old popular proverb that suggests "it takes a village to raise a child." And members of the Coastside Mothers’ Club firmly believe this sentiment. That is why, when called to action, these moms did not hesitate to collect diapers for families in our community.

In just over a month, the club collected almost 1,700 diapers and presented them to Coastside Hope to distribute to those who need them most. More than forty families participated in the drive and some members even got creative. The club’s president, Corrine Bucher asked attendees to her daughter’s birthday party to bring diapers for the drive instead of gifts.

"The Coastside Mothers’ Club is committed to building a community partnership and this drive was a great opportunity to serve our local families," says Corrine. "Making a difference on the coastside is just one of many rewarding benefits of membership."

CLICK below for more photos.

Letter: Support CUSD immersion program at May 10 board meeting

Letter to the editor

By on Fri, May 4, 2007

I’m a parent of a child in the Spanish Immersion Program waitlist and we’d like to get the community’s support in urging the district to open a 3rd kindergarten class. This is a very important program in our school district and we feel strongly that it should be expanded for the coming years to meet the growing demands of our community.

In the past the school district has made the 3rd kindergarten class available if there was a need for it. They then reverted back to the 2 kindergarten classes when the demand wasn’t there. This fluctuating number of classes has proven to be difficult for the school district to maintain proper staffing. We are asking the school district to commit to increasing the number of kindergarten classes to 3 classes from here on out. There is a demand for the program which will sustain the 3 classes moving forward if the community sees the dedication of the school district to the program.

This year, there are more than enough kids on the waitlist to create a 3rd kindergarten. Why are they not creating a 3rd class?  As it is, there’s a great number of siblings that automatically make it into the kindergarten classes which then further decreases the chances of new families making it into Immersion. There were only 8 spots available for English speakers (even less for native Spanish speakers), that’s not very encouraging for the increasing number of families who want to get into the program in the future.

Join us at the school board meeting May 10 to support the 3rd kindergarten class.

Mitone Griffiths

CLICK link for copy of Mitone’s letter to the CUSD board

Tour Montara wetlands restoration with Audubon Society, Tuesday May 15

Caltrans is restoring these wetlands in Montara, across the street from the old Charthouse, to mitigate some wetlands lost in building the Devil's Slide tunnel.

By on Fri, May 4, 2007

The Sequoia Audubon Society is hosting a field trip to the Caltrans Devil’s Slide Charthouse Wetlands Mitigation Project on Tuesday, May 15, at 11:15 am.  The public is invited. 

Meet at the parking lot adjacent to the former Charthouse restaurant in Montara.  Caltrans wildlife biologist, Jason Minton, will discuss the project and be available to answer questions.  The field trip will be followed by a short bird walk.  Bring your binoculars!  For more information contact Bill Bechtell, 728-3946, or [email protected].

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