McCaffrey asks for recount in GSD election

Breaking news

By on Tue, November 24, 2009

Lisa McCaffrey has requested recount in the Granada Sanitary District election. McCaffrey lost to incumbent Leonard Woren by 577 to 567 votes.

County Elections will pull election materials Wednesday morning at 8:30 and will being counting Monday morning at 8:30, according to David Tom, County Elections Manager.  In the GSD election, 62% of the votes were cast by mail, and 38% on election day.

The cost of the recount, which will be borne by the party requesting it, is $828 per day. Although Tom expects that the ballots can all be counted in one day, it is not known how long it will take to examine and review disputed ballots.

Leonard Woren wins GSD seat by 10 votes

Breaking news

By on Thu, November 12, 2009

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misstated Charlie Hall’s vote count.

In the final tally for the see-saw Granada Sanitary District vote count, incumbent Leonard Woren won the third seat by a margin of ten votes, or 0.3% of the total.

Write-in candidate Charlie Hall received 153 vote by mail votes, 1 in early voting, 126 on election day, for a total of 280 (8.42%).

Candidate Percentage  Vote By Mail Early Voting Election Day Grand Total Votes
Ric Lohman * 23.40% 498 1 279 778
Gael Erickson * 20.24% 414 1 258 673
Leonard Woren * 17.35% 338 1 238 577
Lisa McCaffrey 17.05% 357 1 209 567
Bill Griffis 13.53% 285 1 164 450
Charles Hall 8.42% 153 1 126 280

Leonard Woren pulls ahead in GSD race

By on Mon, November 9, 2009

Following Monday’s count of provisional, mail-in and paper ballots, Leonard Woren has pulled ahead of Lisa McCaffrey for the third seat on the Granada Sanitary District board of Directors. Woren now leads by six votes, or 0.2%.

The vote count will not be final until next week.

PercentageVote by Mail Early Voting Election Day Total
Ric Lohman * 25.56%498 1 265 764
Gael Erickson * 22.01%414 1 243 658
Leonard Woren * 18.90%337 1 227 565
Lisa Mccaffrey 18.70%356 1 202 559
Bill Griffis 14.82%284 1 158 443


MCC takes a look at Big Wave development, Wednesday

Click for larger image.

By on Mon, November 9, 2009

Big Wave draft EIR missing key section

By on Fri, November 6, 2009

The draft Environmental Impact Report for the Big Wave wellness center and office park complex, which is currently being circulated in a formal comment period, lacks a crucial section.  Section IV-N, which deals with utilities (Sewer, Water, Solid Waste, and Energy) is missing from the printed report distributed to county and other government agencies, as well as the public.

The individual section can be downloaded from the county’s website, but it has not been distributed to anyone who is responsible for reviewing the EIR. Nor does the full, downloadable PDF include this crucial section.

The county only required the applicant to print 30 copies of the report, only one of which is available to the public in the Half Moon Bay Library. This was a source of significant concern to attendees at Wednesday’s Midcoast Community Council meeting. Citizens wanting a physical copy have to pay the county about $50 to cover printing costs.

Thanks to Montara Fog for checking the online copy.

McCaffrey now leads Woren in GSD race

Breaking news

By on Thu, November 5, 2009

As of 4:30 Thursday afternoon, new vote totals from the county show Lisa McCaffrey ahead of Leonard Woren, with 497 to 479 votes.

The county will next update its totals Thursday, Nov 12, at 4:30pm.

Coastside election results 2009, GSD still too close to call

By on Tue, November 3, 2009

These results are not yet complete. They do not include uncounted absentee, provisional, and precinct paper ballots voted on Tuesday, and potentially other mail ballots received at Elections prior to 8 p.m. Tuesday but not yet processed. However, outside the Granada Sanitary District election, there was little in last night’s returns to suggest that the standings will change significantly after these votes are counted.

In the Granada Sanitary District, the margin of victory is one vote and the votes for write-in candidate Charlie Hall have not been counted.

Hmb City Council

Votes Pct
Naomi Patridge 1,151 18.4%
Allan Alifano 974 15.6%
Rick Kowalczyk 854 13.7%
Deborah Ruddock 784 12.5%
Dan Handler 775 12.4%
Sofia M. Freer 729 11.7%
George Muteff 665 10.6%
Charles T. Hoelzel 320 5.1%

Granada Sanitary District

Ric Lohman 598 25.5%
Gael Erickson 515 22.0%
Leonard Woren 443 18.9%
Lisa Mccaffrey 442 18.9%
Bill Griffis 345 14.7%

Coastside County Water District

Chris R. Mickelsen 1,881 38.0%
Jerry Donovan 1,686 34.1%
James D. Johnson 1,382 27.9%

Coastside Fire Protection District

Gary Riddell 1,822 18.6%
Gary Burke 1,722 17.6%
Ginny McShane 1,679 17.2%
David Eufusia 1,581 16.2%
Jeffrey B. Cockrell 1,493 15.3%
Max De Vos 1,239 12.7%
Charles Netherby 249 2.5%

Click for official county results page.


Current HMB City Council’s slate sweeps the field


By on Tue, November 3, 2009

11:00pm Update: With 8 of 8 precincts reporting,

Half Moon Bay: Naomi Patridge, Allan Alifano, and Rick Kowalcyk lead the field, with a 70 vote gap between number three Kowalcyk and number four Deborah Ruddock. Click for County election results.

Votes Pct
Naomi Patridge 1,151 18.4%
Allan Alifano 974 15.6%
Rick Kowalczyk 854 13.7%
Deborah Ruddock 784 12.5%
Dan Handler 775 12.4%
Sofia M. Freer 729 11.7%
George Muteff 665 10.6%
Charles T. Hoelzel 320 5.1%

Meanwhile, in Granada Sanitary District, number three Leonard Woren is ahead of challenger Lisa McCaffrey.

10:30pm UPDATE—With 5 of 8 precincts reporting, Rick Kowalcyk has solidified his lead over Ruddock and Handler. Patridge and Alifano continue to lead the field.

In Granada Sanitary District, with 5 of 8 precincts reporting, Lohman and Erickson are leading. For the third set, McCaffrey is leading Woren by three votes.

10:00 pm UPDATE—No additional Coastside precincts have been reported by the county, although returns are coming in from Bayside elections.

As of 9:30, despite expectations, the county is reporting results only for absentee ballots, with precincts yet to be reported.

Half Moon Bay: Naomi Patridge and Allan Alifano have a strong lead, but the next four candidates (Kowalcyk, Handler, and Ruddock) are separated by a handful of votes, with Kowalcyk narrowly in the lead.

Granada Sanitary District: Incumbents Ric Lohman and Gael Erickson have strong leads, and challeger Lisa McCaffrey has a narrow 28 point lead over incumbent Leonard Woren

Coastside Fire Protection District: Challenger Gary Riddel has a strong lead, followed by incumbents McShane, Burke, and Cockrell, with challenger David Eufusia close behind.

Coastside County Water District: incumbent Chris Mickelsen has a strong lead, followed by challengers Jerry Donovan and newcomer "Jay" Johnson.


GSD challengers’ endorsement claim is not even a half-truth

Barry Parr
Can you tell from this that Erickson and Lohman were endorsed by the Review, and McCaffrey and Griffis were not? Can you tell who is more likely to tell you the truth?

By on Sun, November 1, 2009

UPDATE: Judy Taylor says that she has sent an correction to the original recipients of her email, saying in part "I was able to talk with the sewer plant management this morning and confirm that there is no connection and that the closures were a result of other causes." See this comments on this story for her full statement and a link to Jim Larimer’s original misleading article.

In the waning days of the 2009 election season, the challengers for the GSD board and their supporters have apparently decided that facts are not enough.

Placards have been added to at least four of the GSD challengers’ billboards declaring "Endorsed! HMB Review". That’s not even a half-truth. Write-in challenger Charlie Hall has been endorsed by the Review, but so have incumbents Gael Erickson and Ric Lohman. They’re on the other sign. The one without the endorsement claim.

The Review singled out challengers Bill Griffis and Lisa McCaffrey as potential puppets of development interests.

As if on cue to confirm the Review’s fears of pro-growth puppetry, Half Moon Bay Realtor Judy Taylor has been circulating a photo of a sign that the county has posted on unsafe beaches, claiming that GSD is responsible for the mess:

The above photo, taken 2 weeks ago, is the reason why the Granada Sanitary Election (Frenchman’s Creek to Clipper Ridge), this coming Tuesday, November 3rd, is so critical.  The incumbents have had 12 years to fix this problem and have not.  Our sewers are still polluting our beaches.  We need GSD Board Members who will address our most pressing needs.

Taylor suggests that GSD’s sewers are responsible for the current bacteria problem on local beaches. This is simply false. The county health department has trying for years to find the source, but it has turned out to be elusive.

Meanwhile, the GSD has a solution to the serious, unrelated problem of wet weather overflows. GSD’s solution is not only elegant, it preserves crucial El Granada green space. Pro-development forces have been trying to delay the project, putting the health and finances of the community at risk for political gain.

If you’re undecided about whom to vote for in Tuesday’s Granada Sanitary District election, this should be a clarifying moment.

Video:  The final HMB City Council candidates’ forum

By on Sun, November 1, 2009

Montara Fog has video of the Coastside Young Professionals’ city council candidates’ forum at Sam’s Chowderhouse on Thursday.

The questions, prepared in advance by the CYP, focused on issues of concern to younger residents of the coast including movie theaters and support for small businesses. Charnock suprised many in the audience by announcing at the start of the forum that there were to be no no questions on the Beachwood matter and suggested that answers should avoid the Beachwood issue as well.

Considering that this is the single most salient issue in the election and the future of the city, it’s startling that the topic was forbidden.

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