Coastside Community Orchestra Concert, Saturday

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Press release

By on Wed, February 4, 2009

The Coastside Community Orchestra presents its winter concert Saturday, Feb. 7 at 7:00 p.m. at the Community United Methodist Church in Half Moon Bay.  Conducted by El Granada resident and former Cunha music teacher Robert Smith, the program features Dvorak’s Slavonic dances and the Dvorak Symphony #4 in G.  The orchestra will also play Mozart’s Piano Concerto #21 with Montara resident Michaele Benedict as soloist.

Michaele Benedict has been a member of the Coastside Community Orchestra since its early days, playing piano, harpsichord, organ, keyboards and percussion.  The grand piano at the church is many times larger than the instrument Benedict used in the only other piano concerto she has played with the orchestra, Brian Holmes’ "Concertini for Toy Piano."

When: Saturday Feb. 7, 7:00 p.m.
Where:  Community United Methodist Church Sanctuary,
777 Miramontes Ave, Half Moon Bay
Tickets Available at the door: $10 general, $7 seniors, students and children free.
For more information call 415-298-7075 or visit

Montara Fog publisher demands an apology from MCTV director

By on Tue, February 3, 2009

Darin Boville, who publishes Montara Fog, is demanding a public apology from Mike Day, MCTV director and attorney. Day publicly accused Sewer Authority Midcoastside director Scott Boyd of helping Boville with a proposal to record the SAM board meetings.  Boville says Day’s accusation is "as false and insulting as it is reckless".

Video: HMB director refuses to vacate chair of SAM

Long version: SAM directors hold vote, which ends in tie. Discussion follows. [14:30] Video provided by MCTV. The opinions expressed on Coastsider are those of the author, and do not represent the views of MCTV. Thanks to Montara Fog for editing assistance.
Short version: Just the discussion, including the portion quoted in the story. [5:40] Video provided by MCTV. The opinions expressed on Coastsider are those of the author, and do not represent the views of MCTV. Thanks to Montara Fog for editing assistance.

By on Mon, February 2, 2009

Half Moon Bay City Council member Marina Fraser, who has been Acting Chair of the Sewer Authority Midcoastside for the year since January 2008, is refusing to step down until she has been elected for a full one-year term as official chair. You may also want to read the Review’s account of the meeting, but there is no substitute for watching the video.

Fair warning: This is the most squirm-inducing video of a public meeting I’ve seen in years.

SAM is jointly operated by the city of Half Moon Bay, Granada Sanitary District, and the Montara Water and Sanitary District. Half Moon Bay’s two directors have half the votes on the SAM board, and the four directors from the two Midcoast agencies hold the other half of the votes. As long as the Half Moon Bay and the Midcoast directors vote as blocs, all votes end in a tie.

In January 2008, the Midcoast and Half Moon Bay directors were unable to agree on the election of a Chair, and Fraser, as Vice Chair, became Acting Chair, a position she has held for the last year.

Last Monday, Fraser said that she would refuse to the vacate the Acting Chair position until she is elected to a full one-year term as Chair of SAM.

Pressed for a reason to elect her to the Chair, said, "If you had just elected me as Chair, I would have been fine ... you denied me the respect of having a Chair position. So, this can go on if you’d like. Elect me as chair, and I’ll serve, and someone else can serve after me."

Half Moon Bay’s other SAM director, John Muller, is backing her up. At the meeting Muller said, "Give her an official year as chair, and in 2010 I’m ready to move on. ... If we cannot do that you have to realize Marina has thirty-four more months on the City Council. Thirty-four more months!"

Here is my interpretation of what I saw. You should watch the video and draw your own conclusions.

First, keep in mind that Fraser has been acting as Chair for the past year. Therefore, she’s refusing to vacate the position because either (1) the former Mayor of Half Moon Bay wants to remove the word "acting" from her resume, or (2) Half Moon Bay sees a strategic interest in controlling SAM for at least another year, if not longer, and is using this as a pretext.

The Midcoast directors are under no obligation to vote for Fraser now, or in 2008. That’s why there’s a vote. There’s nothing illegal about what Fraser and Muller are doing, but it raises the question of whether the city is acting in good faith.

Considering Fraser’s and Muller’s threat to never vacate the position unless Fraser is elected Chair, the Midcoast directors have no reason to believe that she will ever vacate the chair. Even if she’s elected to the position.

Letter: Moon News is for sale


By on Mon, February 2, 2009

The latest email newsletter from Moon News has an item explaining the For Sale sign outside the store.

Many of you have no doubt seen our "For Sale" sign outside the store and we share your sense of apprehension and concern for the future of Moon News, independent bookstores, and more generally the independent flavor and texture of Main Streets everywhere (see the quote and link at the bottom of this newsletter). But of course we fully recognize that these concerns pale in the face of larger problems and tasks at hand throughout the world and thus are eager to count our blessings for the hearty and nourishing support that we have had from all of you in our twelve years here. We realize that many of you bend over backwards to do your book buying locally and in particular at Moon News and we have been humbled many a time to recognize the devotion and constancy of your support. Deep bows of gratitude to you all—But of course we are not gone yet!  Please take a moment to read over our sales pitch for the store below and if there is anything you can do to get the information to those that might be interested—we are hoping we can find someone in the next month.

Moon News Bookstore, Main Street, Half Moon Bay, CA, where it’s sunny with plenty of fog for a happy reader’s tan. Well-loved, highly regarded, 12-year-old, independent bookstore fully loaded: friendly, lively, readerly staff; wonderful atmosphere; exceptional magazine and newspaper selection; literary bent; author events; book groups; open mic nights; local artwork displayed and sold; musical events; well-established staff picks section; website; email list and newsletters. Original asking price now reduced and taking best offer—includes inventory, fixtures, computer network. All inquiries please call 650-228-8286 or e-mail

EDITOR’S NOTE: Moon News is a remarkable bookstore for its size—one of the best in the country in my opinion. Its status has been in limbo for a while, but things are looking more certain. If we lose this store, we’ll lose one of the real gems in our downtown and one of the few stores on Main Street that caters to locals as well as to tourists.

Rain may return Wednesday night

By on Mon, February 2, 2009

The Weather Service is forecasting the rain beginning Wednesday night, with two Pacific storms headed our way, reaching the coast Wednesday evening.

Rain looks likely for all of our areas on Thursday with up to half an inch of rain expected in many urban locations and up to an inch possible for higher elevation spots. A secondary system will move across California late Thursday into Friday and bring showers and a slight chance of thundershowers to many locations. Another half of an inch of rain can be expected for lower elevation spots with higher elevation locations south of San Francisco possibly getting more than an additional inch of rainfall. 

Coastside contributes $48,113 to Proposition 8 campaigns


By on Mon, February 2, 2009

The state has released individual contribution data for supporters and opponents of Proposition 8 [SF Gate database], which put a ban on same-sex marriage in the California constitution.

While all Coastside communities contributed more against than for the proposition, they repeated the typical pattern of increasing progressivism the further north you go.

The Coastside contributed a total of $35,993 (75%) against and $12,120 (25%) for the proposition. 66% of the contributions from Half Moon Bay were against, as were 93% of those from Montara.

You can download a spreadsheet of all Coastside contributors and their amounts from Coastsider.

Coastside Mothers’ Club hosts local elementary school expo, Sun Feb 8

Press release

By on Mon, February 2, 2009

The Coastside Mothers’ Club is expanding upon the success of our annual education roundtable with our first half-day Education Expo.  The inaugural Education Expo will bring together parents, educators, administrators and school representatives to openly discuss Coastside elementary schools.

The Education Expo will be held on:  Sunday, February 8, 2009   Half Moon Bay Community Center   535 Kelly Street   Half Moon Bay   12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. 

Starting kindergarten is an exciting and hopeful time for families and children. A child’s education plays an important role in shaping his or her future and kindergarten will provide the strong start each child deserves. 

The Education Expo is a unique opportunity to hear Coastside parents openly discuss their thoughts on selecting an elementary school (public, private or home schooled) that was right for their child and school officials will discuss topics such as budgets, testing, and curriculum.

The Expo will include an exhibit area where school representatives will be available the entire event to distribute information and answer questions.  Scheduled panel discussions on specific topics will take place per the times below.

12:45 – 1:45pm   Trends in Education 2:00 – 3:00pm   Public School Parent Panel 3:15 – 4:15pm   Private School Parent Panel

This event is recommended for families who are beginning to plan for kindergarten and is open to the public, free of charge, as a community service to all Coastside residents. Refreshments will be served, childcare will not be provided, and no RSVP is required.

For more information regarding the Education Expo, please contact: or visit our website at

About the Coastside Mothers’ Club The Coastside Mother’s Club was founded in 1992 by a community of families with young children.  Celebrating our 17 year anniversary, we have grown to approximately 300 members who live on the coast between Montara and Pescadero.  Our club offers Coastside mothers, fathers and caregivers support, education and a chance for socialization, friendship and fun.  We also serve as an advocate for mothers, children and families within the Coastside community at large.  For anyone interested in joining the club or for additional information about our organization, please visit our website at

Midcoast Parks & Recreation Committee meeting, Monday

By on Sun, February 1, 2009

The Midcoast Parks & Recreation Committee will meet Monday night February 2 from 7 to 8:30pm at the Harbor House, 346 Princeton Ave, in Princeton [Google map] to discuss ten objectives:

  • Coastal Trail: Completion from Mirada Surf, through Princeton, to the Pillar Point Bluff segment of the Trail.
  • Mirada Surf West: Vault toilet on the Mirada Surf West portion of the coastal trail.
  • Pillar Point: Replace old porta-potty with new vault toilet.
  • Recreation Programs: The Midcoast should support and actively contribute to the Half Moon Bay Parks and Recreation department program framework.
  • Moss Beach Park: Establish a restroom facility and drinking fountain at Moss Beach Park.  Create a go ahead plan that resolves the water issue.
  • Farallone View School Playfield: implement the renovation project.
  • Playfield Planning: Do preliminary planning to expand recreation resources adjacent to the school playfields.
  • Highway 1 Corridor South:  This region extends from Miramar to the south edge of the airport.  A grant has been approved to develop a plan for highway crossings and trail alignment (including a bicycle commuter trail).
  • Highway 1 Corridor North: Seek similar (see #8) grant for the northern corridor extending from the airport to the new tunnel.
  • Governance: Provide Midcoast citizens with information regarding various parks and recreation governance options.  Provide an assessment of public response to governance options to determine the preferred option

MROSD offers Coastside hikes in February

Press release

By on Sun, February 1, 2009

Docents for the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District have scheduled free outdoor activities this month, all taking place on the District’s permanently preserved open space lands throughout the South Bay, Peninsula and Coastside areas. These guided hikes are a great way to explore the beauty of nature in winter including birding, mushroom hunting, animal tracking and earthquake hikes, among others. Please help the District introduce these free opportunities to your audience by listing the following outdoor activities. Note that some activities require reservations. For further information, to make a reservation, or to obtain directions, please call 650-691-1200 or refer to the District’s Web site at Consult the Midpeninusula Regional Open Space District website for a complete list of upcoming hikes.

Saturday, Feb. 14, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve
"Grasslands and Live Oaks"
After a leisurely loop around Horseshoe Lake, you’ll switchback upward through the grasslands along the Bay Area Ridge Trail with docents David Milburn, David Bergman and Peggy Jacobs on this six mile, moderately strenuous hike. A rocky outcrop overlooking ridges and canyons stretching west to the Pacific will serve as your lunch spot. Alpine Pond may provide opportunities to observe waterfowl activity. You’ll return to the Skyline Ridge trailhead with a southward walk along the ridge.

Sunday, Feb. 15, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve
Meet: El Corte de Madera Creek
"Bald Knob Forests"
Immerse yourself in the many shades of green of the bald knob forest with docents Mary Bernstein and Debby Kramer on this five mile, moderately-paced hike along the Bald Knob, Irish Ridge, and Lobitos Creek trails. If the day is clear, you’ll see the coast from Irish Ridge and admire a true giant of the forest. Participants will carpool to the trailhead.

Video: MCTV director accuses SAM director of conflict of interest

MCTV director Mike Day accuses SAM director Scott Boyd of a conflict of interest on a proposal to record MCTV meetings. [total time 7:11] Video provided by MCTV. The opinions expressed on Coastsider are those of the author, and do not represent the views of MCTV. Except whatever Mike Day says on this recording, which presumably express MCTV's views.

By on Sat, January 31, 2009

MCTV director Mike Day (husband of executive director Connie Malach) hurled a startling, unsubstantiated accusation at Sewer Authority Midcoastside director Scott Boyd at the SAM meeting on Monday.

Just before a vote in which it was clear that SAM was going to award a contract for recording SAM meetings to MCTV, Day rose to the microphone and interrupted the vote to accuse Boyd of assisting Montara Fog’s Darin Boville in the preparation of his competing proposal. Day said that one of his camera people told him that Scott Boyd referred to Montara Fog’s proposal as "our" proposal, and inferred that Boyd had worked on the preparation of Boville’s proposal. He asked Boyd to recuse himself.

Boyd’s reaction to this accusation was strong and categorical, saying, "That is false. I said no such thing. ... I have no cooperation or interest, no business interest, no financial interest, no personal friendship interest" in the proposal, and that he had never seen it or discussed it with Boville.

The vote took place after Day’s accusation, and this was followed by further discussion in which SAM director Leonard Woren said Day’s accusation was "out of order and wrong from a legal point of view." and director Jim Harvey called Day’s statements "counterproductive" and "unnecessary".

Boyd concluded that Day’s charge "may well have been slanderous".

Like a lot of small town stuff, this is also really personal.  Darin Boville, Scott Boyd, and I ran for MCTV’s board of directors as a reform slate last year. Scott and Darin are both friends of mine, but they’re not friends with one another.

NOTE: This isn’t the only interesting thing that happened at the meeting. More on that later.

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